Total Results: 20 • Page 1 of 1

Author   Year   Downloads   Title

Who will foot the bill for sustainable rural water services? tackling the problem of under-funded water supply in low-income countries

Downloads: 112
Author: Carter R. C.
Year of Publishing: 2024
Publisher: RWSN
Institution: Skat Foundation

Is consolidation the answer to improving rural water services in low-income countries? Lessons from OECD country experience. REAL-Water Research Brief

Downloads: 122
Author: REAL-Water
Year of Publishing: 2023
Publisher: United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Rural Evidence and Learning for Water

SISAR Ceará, Brazil Case Study

Downloads: 5
Author: Dos Santos Rocha, W. and M. Salvetti
Year of Publishing: 2017
Publisher: World Bank Group

Achieving universal access to safely managed water services in rural Cambodia: The case for complementarity of water supply solutions

Downloads: 34
Author: 1001 Fontaines; GRET; KWSH and WaterAid
Year of Publishing: 2022
Institution: 1001 Fontaines

Ten Factors for Viable Rural Water Services Sustainable WASH Systems Learning Partnership

Downloads: 94
Author: Harvey, A.
Year of Publishing: 2021
Publisher: USAID SWS Learning Partnership
Institution: Whave Solutions

Donors' Guide to Rural Water Service Delivery

Downloads: 61
Author: Harvey, A. and F. Bergeron,
Year of Publishing: 2021
Publisher: Whave Solutions

Global prospects to deliver safe drinking water services for 100 million rural people by 2030 REACH working paper 12

Downloads: 1013
Author: Nilsson, K., Hope, R., McNicholl, D., Nowicki, S., and Charles, K.
Year of Publishing: 2021
Publisher: University of Oxford and RWSN
Institution: REACH programme

Rural Water 2021 + Blue Pages / Pages Bleues Bienvenue à la première édition des Pages Bleues du RWSN.

Downloads: 1156
Author: RWSN
Year of Publishing: 2021
Publisher: RWSN

Blended Finance for Water Infrastructure Maintenance and Fecal Sludge Management Working Group Output

Downloads: 67
Author: Rossmann R (Editor)
Year of Publishing: 2021
Institution: Convergence / Sida

Results-Based Contracts for Rural Water Services Uptime Working Paper 2

Downloads: 242
Author: McNicholl, D., Hope, R., Money, A., Lane, A., Armstrong, A., Dupuis, M., Harvey, A., Nyaga, C., Womble, S., Allen, J., Katuva., J., Barbotte, T., Lambert, L., Staub, M., Thomson, P., and Koehler, J.
Year of Publishing: 2020
Publisher: Uptime consortium

The 2019 RWSN directory of rural water supply services, tariffs, management models and lifecycle costs 2019 Edition [ENGLISH]

Downloads: 1486
Author: Deal, P. T. and Furey S. G.
Year of Publishing: 2019
Publisher: Skat Foundation
Institution: RWSN

Représentation des usagers et dialogue multi-acteurs pour le suivi des services d’eau potable au Sénégal Etudes et recommandations du projet Sense pour la région de Saint-Louis

Downloads: 17
Year of Publishing: 2019
Publisher: Gret
Institution: Gret

Performance-based Funding for Reliable Rural Water Services in Africa Uptime Consortium Working Paper 1

Downloads: 192
Author: McNicholl, D., Hope, R., Money, A., Lane, A., Armstrong, A., van der Wilk, N., Dupuis, M., Harvey, A., Nyaga, C., Womble, S., Favre, D., Allen, J., Katuva., J., Barbotte, T., Buhungiro, E., Thomson, P., and Koehler, J.
Year of Publishing: 2019

Funding mechanisms to incentivize sustainable and inclusive water provision in Kenya’s arid and semi-arid lands

Downloads: 66
Author: Ashni Shah; Rob Mills
Year of Publishing: 2018
Publisher: Oxfam International
Institution: Oxfam International

SWIFT water ATMs: experience and impact in Turkana and Wajir counties of Kenya SWIFT Consortium learning brief

Downloads: 63
Author: James Origa (Oxfam)
Year of Publishing: 2018
Publisher: Oxfam GB, Tearfund and Overseas Development Institute
Institution: Consortium for Sustinable Water, sanitation and hygiene in Fragile Contexts

What’s Working, Where, and for How Long A 2016 Water Point Update to the RWSN (2009) statistics

Downloads: 630
Author: Banks, B. & S. G. Furey
Year of Publishing: 2016
Publisher: RWSN
Institution: GWC/Skat

Delivering Universal and Sustainable Water Services Partnering with the Private Sector

Downloads: 85
Author: Menzies I.
Year of Publishing: 2016
Publisher: WSP
Institution: The World Bank

Rainwater Harvesting in Thailand: Learning from the World Champions RWSN Field Note 2016-1

Downloads: 653
Author: Matthias Saladin
Year of Publishing: 2016
Publisher: RWSN
Institution: RWSN

Small town water services Trends, challenges and models

Downloads: 168
Author: ADANK, M.
Year of Publishing: 2013
Publisher: IRC WASH

Supporting Rural Water Supply Moving towards a Service Delivery Approach

Downloads: 471
Author: LOCKWOOD, H. and SMITS, S.
Year of Publishing: 2011
Publisher: Practical Action Publishing Ltd.
Institution: IRC/Aguaconsult

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