Why sponsor a RWSN webinar?

  • RWSN webinars are a great way of sharing knowledge to raise the profile of your project, organisation or as part of your strategy to bring research into use.
  • Webinar announcements go out to more than 13,000 RWSN members, in English, French and Spanish; are included in the quarterly newsletter; and featured on RWSN website.
  • Webinars are run in multiple languages with typical audiences of 50-200, up to 400 people.
  • RWSN generally runs 2 series per year, each with 5-10 weekly events.
  • Webinar recordings are made publically available at vimeo.com/ruralwater and individual presentations as “RWSN Talks” on Youtube.
  Supporter Single Webinar Series Sponsor
Webinar Benefits      
Number of webinar presenters/presentations 0 2 Up to 3 per series
Number of chairs or discussants 0 1 1
Promotional Benefits      
Acknowledgement of the sponsor at start and conclusion of webinar by chair X X X
Sponsor may give brief 1 - 2 minute welcome at beginning of webinars with a presentation   X X
Logo with link on RWSN website webinar page X X X
Logo included in recorded and promoted version after the webinar X X X
Logo with link on the registration confirmations and thank you email X X X
Sponsor mentioned and / or logo included in Social Media webinar promotion   X X
Dedicated section in RWSN newsletter     X
Basic Price[1] CHF 500 CHF 2,500 CHF 10,000
Additional webinar in another language (French or Spanish), up to 3 languages   CHF 1,000 2nd language included. CHF1,000 per additional language
Briefing paper summarising key points from presentations and discussion   CHF 500 CHF 500


[1] 1 Swiss Franc (CHF) = 1 US Dollar (USD) / 0.9 Euro (€) / 0.8 UK Pound (£). Prices and exchange rates subject to change without notice, please contact the Secretariat for details.


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RWSN Webinars

RWSN has run over 130 webinars since 2012 as a way for members to share their experiences with a global audience.

Language is one of the aspects that make our webinars distinctive and valued; the majority are run in English and French, but we also run them in Spanish.

The RWSN Secretariat, based at Skat Foundation in Switzerland, organises, coaches and provides translation support to presenters.

Topics & formats

RWSN webinars generally focus on rural water supply issues in low and middle-income countries. However, there is often cross-over with other topics, such including water resources, human rights, integrity, accountability and issues that are common across Water, Sanitation & Hygiene (WaSH).

The format of each webinar is typically 60 or 90 minutes with 2 x 15

 minute presentations followed by a discussant reacting to the issues raised in the presentation, followed by audience Q&A. Other formats and timings are available. Contact us for more details. 


RWSN English webinars typically attract 50-200, up to 400 participants; French and Spanish: 20-60. Participants vary depending on topic but are generally mid-career professionals and senior managers from government, UN organisations, development banks, universities, local and international NGOs, and the private sector.

Phone dial-in options allow those on low internet bandwidth areas to participate.

Past Sponsors

Recent webinars, and webinar series, have received financial support from:

  • UNICEF-WHO Joint Monitoring Programme (JMP)
  • The Swiss Agency for Development & Cooperation (SDC)
  • World Vision
  • “Rain 4 Food” programme
  • UPGro: Unlocking the Potential of Groundwater for the Poor (DFID/NERC/ESRC)
  • REACH: Improving water security for the poor (Oxford University/DFID)

We often include webinars within a broader package of networking and knowledge brokering support. Contact us to find out how to collaborate with RWSN.

What others say:

“Experiences shared from webinars on rainwater harvesting and self-supply [were] incorporated in our programmes” – anon. Government of Uganda


“From inception, I have been impressed by their professional, clear and collaborative attitude for delivery…. Today went extremely smoothly thanks to their planning and support to cater for complex array of presentations and speakers.” – Prof. Rob Hope, University of Oxford, UK


 “I think both webinars were very successful so congratulations to all involved! Special thanks to the RWSN team for excellent hosting and facilitation.” – Tom Slaymaker, JMP


“I think our WASH network benefits the most from the themed discussions -- particularly the webinars.” - Kristie, World Vision


“The knowledge gained through webinars will remain with participants, and very likely to be applied in their jobs” – External Evaluation of RWSN (PEM Consult, 2017)


RWSN Gold Standard

RWSN’s focus in on water supplies to households in low and middle income countries. Therefore, that networking activities, such as webinars and publications, reflect the diversity of our membership and give voice to those most affected by the issues on a daily basis

  • Gender representation – At least 40 percent of presenters (panellists and speakers) must be women. The aim is to ensure balanced gender representation.
  • Young professional representative – At least one of the presenters must be a young professional, i.e., under 35.
  • Southern representation: At least 40 percent of presenters (panellists and speakers) must be from a Low or Middle Income Country. The aim is to ensure balanced representation that reflects the demographics of RWSN membership.
  • Interactive format: the session should have a format that promotes audience interaction.

Skat Foundation is a ZEWO-certified Swiss non-profit organisation, so we look to offset costs with financial contributions whilst not compromising on quality and neutrality. We reserve the right to refuse a presentation or topic idea if it is not sufficiently relevant, rigorous or if it is overly self-promotional. Rules and conditions regarding content are available from the RWSN Secretariat on request.