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Nyaoro J.R., Zinyama L. M., Amenu A.K., Owen R., et al.
Year of Publishing
Ministry of Lands, Agriculture, Water and Rural Resettlement
Zimbabwe Water Authority (ZINWA)
Sectoral Report B2: Groundwater Resources Management and Development Zimbabwe National Water Resources Master Plan 2020-2040
Groundwater, a fundamental component of Zimbabwe’s water resources: This thematic report seeks to provide an overview of the fundamental role that groundwater
plays in the water supply of Zimbabwe. Due to the semiarid climate and the single rainy season, for much of the year, most of Zimbabwe does not have surface water and groundwater is the only perennial source of water. Moreover, groundwater can be found almost everywhere in the country and is typically reliable and clean, thus providing the water resource base for the nation. It is difficult to imagine Zimbabwe without groundwater and it is the role of groundwater managers to develop, protect, and manage this vital resource sustainably so that the society and environment can continue to grow and flourish.
Bibliographical Information:
Nyaoro J.R., Zinyama L. M., Amenu A.K., Owen R., et al. (2020) Sectoral Report B2: Groundwater Resources Management and Development. Zimbabwe National Water Resources Master Plan 2020-2040 , Zimbabwe Water Authority (ZINWA) , Ministry of Lands, Agriculture, Water and Rural Resettlement
More Information
Sectoral Report B2: Groundwater Resources Management and Development, Volume 3