Groundwater provides about 45% and 75% of global and African domestic water demands respectively. Without doubt, groundwater supplies have a tremendous role to play in reaching the SDG target for drinking water. Groundwater is playing an ever more important role for drinking water services, particularly in rural areas. In places where it is readily available, and of good quality, it can be a reliable resource. Groundwater storage is extensive in many places and acts as a natural buffer against climate variability. However, the quantities that can be abstracted are unevenly distributed, and yields vary. Climate change exacerbates this issue, with increased variability of rainfall impacting the amount of groundwater extraction and availability.
The Sustainable Groundwater Development theme strives to ensure that groundwater resources are properly considered and sustainably used for developing drinking water supply sources and ensuring their long-term quality and security. The theme focuses on the following areas:
Thematic Priorities (2024-2030)
- Understanding the resource (quality, quantity, use and recharge) for sustainable management, borehole siting and well construction.
- Assessing the potential of groundwater resources for rural livelihoods, rural development and climate resilience.
- Protecting groundwater resources for a reliable water supply.
- Mainstreaming RWSN training materials and tools into third-party training institutions and courses, or directly into operational use.
- “Stop the Rot” initiative - improving choice and quality control of hardware to eliminate or reduce risks and impacts of corrosion and contamination by hazardous substances, including lead (Pb).
- Supporting the scaling-up and sustainability of solar-powered pumping water supply systems.
- Maintaining and updating the RWSN/Skat Foundation handpump standards.
The RWSN website library also includes publications on Hand dug wells and Manual Drilling.
To find out more or to get involved, join the Sustainable Groundwater Development community on DGroups. RWSN also hosts specific online discussion groups on Manual Drilling.
Most popular publications
- Professional Water Well Drilling. A UNICEF Guidance Note
- Costing and Pricing - A Guide for Water Well Drilling Enterprises
- India Mark Handpump Specifications (Rev 2 – 2007)
- Supervising Water Well Drilling
- Afridev: Handpump Specification (Rev 5 – 2007)
Useful publications and films that you may not know about!
- Borehole Costing Model V2.8 BETA
- Code of Practice for Cost-Effective Boreholes (English, French, Portuguese)
- Four short films on borehole drilling professionalism (English and French)
Useful Links and Resources
- All RWSN Publications on Sustainable Groundwater Development (in English, French and Portuguese)
- RWSN Online Community for Sustainable Groundwater Development
- RWSN Blogs on Sustainable Groundwater Development
- RWSN Webinars and Videos on Sustainable Groundwater Development
- Africa Groundwater Atlas and Literature Archive
- Groundwater Governance - A Global Framework for Action(GEF/World Bank/UNESCO-IHP/FAO/IAH)
- UNICEF – Groundwater Development
- Unlocking the Potential of Groundwater for the Poor (UPGro)
Associations and Other Networks
- Africa Groundwater Network (AGW-NET)
- Groundwater Solutions Initiative for Policy and Practice (GRIPP)
- IGRAC - International Groundwater Resources Assessment Centre
- International Association of Hydrogeologists (IAH)
The Sustainable Groundwater Development theme has the longest history in RWSN, building on:
- 1992 - Handpump Technology Network (HTN) launched
- 2004 to 2012 - Cost-Effective Boreholes Flagship of RWSN
- 2009 to 2018 - UNICEF’s initiative to professionalise manual drilling, and subsequently to professionalise borehole drilling more widely
- 2013 to 2020 - The United Kingdom's Unlocking the Potential of Groundwater for the Poor (UPGro)
- 2021 to 2027 - "Stop the Rot" initiative to prevent rapid handpump corrosion and poor quality components
- Ongoing - Solar Pumping