Universal access to safe drinking water is a central challenge for RWSN and all our members. This is enshrined in international law, through the Human Right to Water, and in international policy, through Sustainable Development Goal 6.1. Many countries have translated those international rights and responsibilities into national and sub-national laws and policies, but not all. Even among those who have made, progress is uneven, and the barriers are many, complex and interrelated.

The Leave No-one Behind Theme is a place for civil, open discussion on these barriers to universal water access, sharing of experiences of these challenges and practical experiences of success in overcoming them.

Topics within the Theme include, but are not limited to:

  • The practical realisation of the Human Right to Water and supporting the UN Special Rapporteur and the synergies and tensions with other Human Rights, including the Rights to Sanitation and Food.
  • Gender equality and women’s rights: Empowering women and young girls and promoting gender equality through rural water services as water users, water professionals and decision-makers.
  • Improving transparency, social accountability and integrity.
  • Menstrual and peri-menopausal health and other critical dimensions of hygiene that can deliver better public health outcomes.
  • Overcoming systematic barriers to inclusion, including:
    • Physical access.
    • Affordability.
    • Remoteness.
    • Awareness and education.
    • Deliberate and unconscious bias against ethnic, racial, caste and socio-economic groups.
    • Unhelpful colonial legacies (including legal and institutional structures).
    • Harmful or counter-productive post/neo-colonial behaviours by international actors.

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Where to go next: