Malteser International

Year of Publishing

Malteser International


WASH Guidelines for field practitioners. Part 1: Water Malteser International


This document provides an overview of the various water provision and treatment techniques and gives guidance on how to select options appropriate for the specific local context. Key is to always involve communities in all steps of the planning and implementation process, and to have a long-term perspective on how facilities will be used sustainably in the future, using technologies and approaches that are appropriate for the local context.

These guidelines deal with the provision part of safe drinking water at community level, as well as actions that individual households can undertake at their own level to assure their access to safe drinking water. Development of these two components should go hand in hand to assure comprehensive water supply services within the target communities.

Bibliographical Information:

Malteser International (2014) WASH Guidelines for field practitioners. Part 1: Water. Malteser International , Malteser International , Cologne, Germany

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WASH Guidelines for field practitioners. Part 1: Water

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