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Sutton, S, Nkoloma, H
Year of Publishing
Teaching-aids At Low Cost (TALC)
Encouraging change: sustainable steps in water supply, sanitation and hygiene
This manual on ‘Encouraging Change’ is a field-level facilitator’s guide which can be supplemented by technical guidelines explaining the practicalities of how water supplies and sanitary facilities can be constructed or improved (see References page 126). It has been developed in Zambia and is being used by the Ministry of Health as a reference document for extension workers, and as the basis for training in participatory methods. The idea is that it provides a framework in a form that can be ‘customised’ by people in different countries so that the facts, examples and posters can reflect the local situation.
The methods described can equally well be used for other community and health issues, such as malnutrition and childcare, malaria and bilharzia prevention, or establishing credit systems or co-operatives. The methods are very flexible, and you are invited to send in examples of how else you have found they can be used. This manual is just a start…. We hope that you will help improve it and make it more useful to people working at grass-roots level and those planning how to introduce change. Your comments will be therefore be very useful and you can find a note on how to give us feedback at the back of this manual.
Bibliographical Information:
Sutton, S, Nkoloma, H (2011) Encouraging change: sustainable steps in water supply, sanitation and hygiene. , Teaching-aids At Low Cost (TALC) , St.Albans, UK
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Encouraging change: sustainable steps in water supply, sanitation and hygiene