van Koppen B., Molose V., Phasha K., White M., Modiba I., Magombeyi M., Jacobs I.

Year of Publishing


Water Research Commission (WRC)

Community-led water services for multiple uses Water Research Commission (WRC)


Community-led MUS respects communities’ voices: ‘nothing about us without us’. It is performance-oriented in a common interest. Communities have a direct interest in high quality and sustainable results and work hard in a community spirit. The six-step process (described in this document) can be applied in any rural condition, although the precise division of responsibilities between communities and external agencies in ‘co-management’ will depend on the infrastructure at stake. Infrastructure can range from small-scale technologies for self-supply to complex municipal borehole systems.

These guidelines for community-led MUS are based on the experiences of the demonstration project ‘Operationalizing community-led multiple-use water services (MUS) in South Africa’ from end 2017 to early 2020. Six demonstration communities in low-income rural areas of Limpopo Province (see map) differed in: population size, service level of infrastructure for self-supply and public infrastructure, surface and groundwater resources, and in extent of productive water uses.

Bibliographical Information:

van Koppen B., Molose V., Phasha K., White M., Modiba I., Magombeyi M., Jacobs I. (2021) Community-led water services for multiple uses. Water Research Commission (WRC) , Water Research Commission (WRC)

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Community-led water services for multiple uses

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