Daniel, D., Wulaningtyas, A.H., Satriani, S., Devi, E.F., Kumar A. and Willetts, J.

Year of Publishing

University of Technology Sydney

Institute for Sustainable Futures

Community-based rural water supply: Indonesia country risk profile Report by the UTS Institute for Sustainable Futures


Community-managed rural water supply services in Indonesia are at risk from climate change hazards, such as drought and sea level rise. These hazards may affect water availability, water quality, and also damage infrastructure. The community-managed systems will be more vulnerable to loss of services if there is insufficient
budget and expertise for mitigating climate change impacts or if systems are poorly managed in the first place.

This report provides an overview of selected climate change risks to community-based rural water supply in Indonesia. The focus is on the National Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Project or Penyediaan Air Minum dan Sanitasi Berbasis Masyarakat (PAMSIMAS) program (Community-Based Drinking Water and Sanitation
Program), one of the largest community-based rural water supply programs in the world.

Bibliographical Information:

Daniel, D., Wulaningtyas, A.H., Satriani, S., Devi, E.F., Kumar A. and Willetts, J. (2023) Community-based rural water supply: Indonesia country risk profile. Report by the UTS Institute for Sustainable Futures , Institute for Sustainable Futures , University of Technology Sydney

More Information

» Future proofing a basic social service: climate-resilient community-based rural water supply


Community-based rural water supply: Indonesia country risk profile

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