Institute for Sustainable Futures

Year of Publishing

University of Technology Sydney


How resilient are Indonesia’s rural water supply systems to climate change? Policy brief and attachments


More than 25 million people in Indonesia rely on community-managed rural water supply systems. These systems are vulnerable to climate hazards such as floods, storms and droughts. Climate change is expected to increase the frequency and intensity of these events and cause uncertain long-term effects on water resources.

This policy brief is based on the research project “Future proofing a basic social service: climate-resilient community-based rural water supply” (2023-2024). The recommendations require coordinated action from respective ministries, including Bappenas, Ministry of Public Works, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Home Affairs, Ministry of Villages and Ministry of Environment and Forestry as well as district and village governments.

Attachments to the policy brief:

- Recommendations for monitoring climate resilience of rural water supply systems (2024) (Policy brief attachment 1)
- Recommendations on Bappenas framework for climate resilience in water and sanitation (2024) (Policy brief attachment 2)
- Recommendations for PAMSSANIMAS program (2024) (Policy brief attachment 3)
- Detailed Recommendations (2024) (Policy brief attachment 4) (Bahasa Indonesia)

Bibliographical Information:

Institute for Sustainable Futures (2024) How resilient are Indonesia’s rural water supply systems to climate change?. Policy brief and attachments , University of Technology Sydney

More Information

» Future proofing a basic social service: climate-resilient community-based rural water supply


Policy brief: How resilient are Indonesia’s rural water supply systems to climate change?

[pdf • Size: 3.87 MB]

Risalah Kebijakan: Seberapa tangguh sistem penyediaan air bersih pedesaan di Indonesia terhadap perubahan iklim? (Bahasa Indonesia)

[pdf • Size: 0.63 MB]

Policy brief attachment 1: Recommendations for monitoring climate resilience of rural water supply systems

[pdf • Size: 1.27 MB]

Policy brief attachment 2: Recommendations on Bappenas framework for climate resilience in water and sanitation

[pdf • Size: 0.56 MB]

Policy brief attachment 3: Recommendations for PAMSSANIMAS program

[pdf • Size: 1.01 MB]

Policy brief attachment 4: Detailed Recommendations

[pdf • Size: 0.78 MB]

Policy brief attachment 4 (Bahasa Indonesia): Rekomendasi

[pdf • Size: 0.46 MB]
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