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Total Results: 10 • Page 1 of 1

Author   Year   Downloads   Title

A qualitative assessment of disability friendly water and sanitation facilities in primary schools, Rumphi, Malawi

Downloads: 1
Author: Zaunda, H, Holm, R. H., Itimu-Phiri, A., Malota, M. and White, S.
Year of Publishing: 2018
Publisher: Development Southern Africa, 2018, 35(6), pages 760-773. DOI: 10.1080/0376835X.2018.1461610
Institution: Mzuzu University

A qualitative study of barriers to accessing water, sanitation and hygiene for disabled people in Malawi

Downloads: 15
Author: White, S., Kuper, H., Itimu-Phiri, A., Holm, R. and Biran, A.
Year of Publishing: 2016
Publisher: PLoS ONE, 2016, 11(5), e0155043. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0155043
Institution: Mzuzu University

Représentation des usagers et dialogue multi-acteurs pour le suivi des services d’eau potable au Sénégal Etudes et recommandations du projet Sense pour la région de Saint-Louis

Downloads: 17
Year of Publishing: 2019
Publisher: Gret
Institution: Gret

Access to groundwater and link to the impact on quality of life A look at the past, present and future public health needs in Mzimba district, Malawi

Downloads: 30
Author: Rieger, K., Holm, R. H. and Sheridan H.
Year of Publishing: 2016
Publisher: Groundwater for Sustainable Development, 2016, 2-3, pages 117–129. DOI: 10.1016/j.gsd.2016.07.002
Institution: Mzuzu University

Rural Water for All - The river may be wide, but it can be crossed Final Report April 2012

Downloads: 146
Author: DANERT, K.
Year of Publishing: 2012
Publisher: RWSN
Institution: Skat

Sierra Leone Waterpoint Report Review Version – 26th June 2012

Downloads: 162
Author: Hirn, M.
Year of Publishing: 2012
Publisher: Ministry of Energy & Water Resources

Gender and rural water services – lessons from RWSN members Summary of RWSN E-discussion on how women’s engagement in Water User Committees impact on its performance and system functionality (2016) and RWSN Webinars: Making Water Work for Women, Sharing Inspiring Experiences (May 2017)

Downloads: 178
Author: Nicholas, N; Wilbur, J; Nath, P.; Gosling, L. and Naughton, M.
Year of Publishing: 2017
Publisher: RWSN
Institution: RWSN

Proceedings and report from the 7th RWSN Forum (2016, Abidjan) Contributions et rapport du 7ème Forum RWSN (2016, Abidjan)

Downloads: 201
Author: FUREY, S. G. (editor)
Year of Publishing: 2017
Publisher: Skat Foundation
Institution: RWSN

Assessing Community Management of Water Sources in Rural Tanzania Masters Thesis Academic Year 2017

Downloads: 289
Author: Farré, L.
Year of Publishing: 2017
Publisher: University of Basel

Effective Joint Sector Reviews for Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) A Study and Guidance - 2016

Downloads: 963
Year of Publishing: 2016
Publisher: World Bank
Institution: World Bank

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