Devereux S.

Year of Publishing


Consumer Research Laboratory

Cylinder Test Consumer Research Laboratory


This test was to compare wear characteristics of a stainless steel liner and two different brass liners in uPVC handpump cylinders, with an unlined uPVC cylinder. Four Afridev cylinders were supplied to the Consumer Research Laboratory by the World Bank for comparative endurance testing in clean and contaminated water.

Both brass-lined cylinders showed similar wear characteristics to that of the stainless steel-lined cylinder.

The unlined uPVC cylinder performed similarly to the metal lined cylinders in clean water but showed high rates of wear once contaminants were added. It can therefore be recommended that unlined uPVC cylinders can be used in clean wells when fitted with a suitable filter and/or suction pipe.

It appears that the wear rate of the uPVC cylinder could be improved by increasing the nominal bore of the cylinder without compromising pump performance. It is recommended that further endurance work should be conducted on UPVC cylinders with different nominal bores in order to establish the relationship between bore, wear and performance. Results from this work could potentially reduce cylinder and piston seal wear and in certain conditions, offer a more cheap replacement for the expensive metal lined cylinders.

Bibliographical Information:

Devereux S. (1991) Cylinder Test. Consumer Research Laboratory , Consumer Research Laboratory , London, England

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Cylinder Test

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