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Reynolds J.
Year of Publishing
The Association for Consumer Research
Tara Handpump Consumer Research Laboratory
The Tara handpump has been designed and manufactured in Bangladesh. direct action pump with submerged cylinder, with light weight, high displacement pump rods. The Tara is intended for small diameter tube-wells. and for a maximum water depth of about 15 metres.
The pumpstand casing is fabricated from steel, and both the pump rod and rising main are standard uPVC pipe, with solvent cemented joints. Threaded connectors are used at the top and bottom of the pump rod, with an ingenious locking mechanism at the connection to the handle. The cylinder is also uPVC pipe, of the same outside diameter as the rising main, but greater wall thickness. Fittings on the piston and foot valve enable them to be coupled together and removed for maintenance or repair without extracting the rising main. The test samples were supplied with leather cup seals, though an alternative cup seal moulded in nitrile rubber was also provided. The piston and foot valve can be supplied with stainless steel spindles for use in aggressive water.
The pump was tested in accordance with the established test programme, including inspection and measurement, pump performance, endurance and abuse tests. A number of suggestions for potential design improvements have been made in the course of the engineering assessment.
Bibliographical Information:
Reynolds J. (1986) Tara Handpump. Consumer Research Laboratory , The Association for Consumer Research , London, England
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Tara Handpump