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Devereux S.
Year of Publishing
Consumer Research Laboratory
Indian Tara - Final Report Consumer Research Laboratory
UNICEF - New Delhi, submitted two samples of an Indian Tara to the Consumer Research Laboratory (CRL) for inspection, measurement, performance and endurance testing.
This is the final report and contains the results of all the tests undertaken in accordance with the agreed Terms of Reference.
The Indian Tara is a direct action handpump intended for borehole use where the maximum water head does not exceed 15 meters.
The quality of component production found in both samples provided was found to be high.
The pump's performance characteristics were measured and considered to be good for a direct action hand pump.
During the 4000 hour endurance test, two High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) follower plates failed. The failures were attributed to the material selected and the sharp internal corners in the components. By reducing the internal corners and employing a different material, this type of failure can be eliminated.
The threaded pump rod and rising main connectors have been well designed and offer a number of advantages over the more traditional solvent cementing methods.
The wear characteristics of the cylinder and nitrile rubber piston seal were found to be excellent.
This can be attributed to the clearance between the two components and the effectiveness of the filter and sand trap. All other components show good wear characteristics.
This example of the Tara is definitely considered a Village Level Operation and Maintenance (VLOM) handpump and providing the problems with the follower plates are resolved should offer a long service life.
Bibliographical Information:
Devereux S. (1993) Indian Tara - Final Report. Consumer Research Laboratory , Consumer Research Laboratory
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Indian Tara - Final Report