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Devereux, S.
Year of Publishing
Consumer Research Laboratory
Mondesh cup seal and pump rod connector A.9072 Final Report
Performance and endurance tests were conducted on two types of Afridev handpump installations employing the Mondesh cup seal.
The measured mechanical efficiency of the Afridev with MDPE rising main and cable 'pump rod' was around half the figure expected for this type of handpump. The low efficiency can be attributed to the MDPE's low tensile modulus which leads to rising main elongations over over 50mm when pumping from 40m. Rising main extension of this magnitude effectively mean that one third of the available piston travel is not being utilised.
Bibliographical Information:
Devereux, S. (1993) Mondesh cup seal and pump rod connector. A.9072 Final Report , Consumer Research Laboratory , Harpenden, UK
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Mondesh cup seal and pump rod connector