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Roberts J.
Year of Publishing
Consumer Research Laboratory
Pump Rod Centraliser Test - Final Report Consumer Research Laboratory
Pump rod centralisers made from four different materials to the same design were submitted to the laboratory for accelerated tests to ascertain the wear characteristics when in contact with uPVC rising main.
The test was conducted over a short period of time with a large side load in order to obtain results quickly.
The tests produced some surprising results which are discussed in detail in Section 5 of this report.
The sample identified as 'NR' produced the heaviest wear to the centraliser but did not remove much material from the rising main. The sample identified as 'SBR' wore the most amount of material from the rising main and also wore rapidly itself.
NR and LDPE centralisers were much 'kinder' to the rising main and also wore less themselves. The NBR sample was the least worn but wore the rising main rapidly once sand and kieselguhr had been introduced into the water. All of the samples removed more material from the rising main after the sand and kieselguhr had been added and did not wear sacrificially.
Bibliographical Information:
Roberts J. (1989) Pump Rod Centraliser Test - Final Report. Consumer Research Laboratory , Consumer Research Laboratory , London, England
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Pump Rod Centraliser Test - Final Report