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Devereux S.
Year of Publishing
Consumer Research Laboratory
U-Seal Investigation Consumer Research Laboratory
Recent reports from the field have indicated that the nitrile rubber piston seals presently employed in the Afridev handpump absorb water over time resulting in increases in seal diameter and consequential operating forces. It has been suggested that in some cases the resultant swelling has been sufficient to cause total piston seizure within the cylinder.
The aim of this project was to check the conformity of four nitrile rubber U-seals, from different manufacturers, to the SKAT specification and to establish water absorption rates/seal swelling against time and chemical composition. The effect of swollen nitrile rubber U-seals on pump rod behaviour and force was also monitored at different pumping speeds for comparison with the same configuration under normal conditions.
Bibliographical Information:
Devereux S. (1992) U-Seal Investigation . Consumer Research Laboratory , Consumer Research Laboratory
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U-Seal Investigation