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Introduction to District/ Local/ Area wide Life Cycle Costing System Strengthening in Practice: Life Cycle Costing
This document aims at providing a rapid introduction to the use of life cycle costing approach to support in the process of costing and identifying funding sources of a district / area wide plan with consideration of long-term sustainability of WASH services and behaviours.
The document is for:
• WaterAid country programme teams working on supporting local governments in improving their planning and budgeting processes
• WaterAid policy and advocacy teams to support promoting integration of LCC as a key approach in local and national planning and budgeting processes
• Local governments working on their planning and budgeting to provide some background on LCC approach.
Bibliographical Information:
WaterAid (2023) Introduction to District/ Local/ Area wide Life Cycle Costing. System Strengthening in Practice: Life Cycle Costing , WaterAid
More Information
» Improving water, sanitation and hygiene sustainability with life cycle costing, WaterAid