Young people are agents of change and constitute the generation that will be working towards the realisation of the SDGs and beyond, to ensure universal WASH services and improved water management practices. They make up a large proportion of the population in developing countries: more than 40% of the people on the planet are younger than 25, and more than 55% are younger than 35. As such, it is important to engage with young people in the water sector.

RWSN is places an emphasis on engaging with young people in the rural water sector, with a specific focus on young professionals. This aligns with the objective of the network to raise the knowledge, competence and professionalism of its members, and thereby contribute to the professional development of young professionals in the rural water sector.

Are you under the age of 35, and a young professional interested working towards in rural water services for all? Would you like to get involved and benefit from RWSN's services?

If you have some comments to our strategy, or any additional ideas or questions on how to involve young professionals in the network, please the RWSN Secretariat. 


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