Starting or pursuing a career in the (rural) water sector can be intimidating, and it can be difficult to know which direction to take and how to achieve your professional ambitions. Mentoring presents the opportunity for professionals to exchange with other professionals in the water sector to progress more rapidly and learn from each other.

Since 2019, RWSN has been running a Mentoring programme which is open to all RWSN members and professionals in the water sector. If you are not yet a RWSN member, you can join RWSN here.

2024 RWSN Mentoring Programme

We are happy to announce that the 2024 RWSN Mentoring Programme will open for applications for Mentors on 1 March and Mentees on 14 March 2024. 

In 2024, we will run the 5th edition of our mentoring programme for the water sector, in collaboration with Agenda for Change and the Global Water Centre. The programme is open to all RWSN members and is free of charge. 

This year's programme features three tracks: 

  • Women in WASH (for women only - with traditional and peer-to-peer mentoring tracks)
  • Career Progression (for young professionals of both genders)
  • Solar pumping and groundwater courses alumni (by invitation)

See more details on the eligibility criteria in the Guidance note, available in English, Spanish, and French.

Apply as a Mentor, a Mentee, or both, here.

What are the benefits of the RWSN Mentoring Programme?

To get an idea of the benefits of participating in the RWSN Mentoring Programme, you can watch this video where some of the past RWSN mentees and mentors shared their experiences, and read the blogs from some of past mentors and mentees:

How does it work?

The mentoring scheme entails connecting regularly via phone, Skype/ WhatsApp or in person regularly (e.g. once a month) and maintaining communication through email, messages, etc. The mentoring scheme is expected to last at least 6 months to help mentees at the beginning of their career or during a career transition.

  • Mentees and mentors (senior professionals) who have signed up for the mentoring scheme will be able to request a mentor/ mentee directly through our online platform, by making a request.
  • They will be encouraged to meet, usually online or in person, if possible (e.g. at sector events), at the request of the mentee, to guide them through the development of their professional career in the water sector.
  • The mentee will be in charge of setting up the online meetings, making their expectations clear, and documenting outcomes, with support from the RWSN Secretariat if necessary.
  • Mentors can choose to mentor 1 or several young professionals.
  • You can be a mentor and a mentee at the same time.

While RWSN has a strong rural water sector focus, we accept applications from all young professionals and mentors interested in the water sector more generally.

What a mentor can do for you?

A mentor can be a tremendous source of advice, information and a sounding board for your ideas. Here is how you can make the most of this relationship:

  • Ask your mentor to take a look at your CV: A mentor can help improve how your CV is perceived by potential employers, but also offer advice on what professional experience or training you could do in the future to reach your professional goals. He or she can also help you create or update your LinkedIn profile.
  • Ask your mentor to do a mock job interview: If you are considering applying for a job, your mentor can provide some good feedback on your interview technique. 
  • Ask your mentor for advice on career development: You may be interested in transitioning from one sector to another (e.g. from WASH to water resources management, or from development to humanitarian/ emergency work), but you are not sure on how to get started. A mentor can provide some useful advice and tips on how to make that transition, or suggest some organisations or affinity groups to join.
  • Ask your mentor to provide feedback on ideas: You may be interested in starting a PhD, an NGO, a social enterprise, or your own business in the water sector. Ask your mentor for feedback on your ideas.
  • Broaden your horizons: Your mentor may know of organisations that could be of interest to you in your career.

What’s in it for the mentor?

  • Broaden your horizons: Mentors usually find the mentoring experience extremely rewarding. It not only helps them connect and build a relationship with one or several young professionals, but they may also learn from their mentees in relation to other organisations, new research in the sector, or learn about other ways of working.
  • Share your knowledge: A mentoring programme allows you to share your knowledge and experience beyond your immediate organisation, and make a difference in a young person's career.
  • Acquire management experience: Getting mentoring experience can be a stepping stone to managing other staff in your organisation/ company.

Who can participate?

Anyone who is a RWSN Member can participate in the RWSN mentoring scheme. If you are not a RWSN Member, you can join here – it’s free, open to all, and takes less than a minute. If you are not sure whether you are a RWSN Member, feel free to contact the RWSN Secretariat.

  • Mentees: All young professionals under the age of 35 and women of all ages in the water sector are eligible to be mentees. In addition, alumni of selected RWSN courses (on solar-powered water systems, groundwater resources management, and professional drilling management) will also be eligible and will be included by invitation only. There is no minimum level of experience required. Students are welcome to participate.
  • Mentors: There is no age requirement for mentors (senior professionals), but they should have a minimum of 5 years of professional experience in the water sector. We are looking for a range of mentors with different levels of experience and a variety of skills, so don’t hesitate to apply even if you feel that you may not be ‘senior’ enough. A mentor can choose how many mentees he/she wants to take on.
  • We strongly encourage women to sign up both as mentors and mentees, as they are currently under-represented in our membership and in the sector more broadly – and we would like this to change!
  • Please note that if you fulfil the requirements, you can be a mentor and a mentee at the same time.

By signing up to the RWSN mentoring programme, mentors and mentees agree to abide by the RWSN code of conduct for the mentorship programme.

For more information on RWSN activities for young professionals, see here. We encourage young professionals to join the RWSN Young Professionals' community to stay informed of upcoming opportunities.