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Total Results: 18 • Page 1 of 1

Author   Year   Downloads   Title

Forage d’eau – Planification, passation de marchés et gestion de projets Boîte à outils de l’UNICEF

Downloads: 2248
Author: Dotun Adekile & Kerstin Danert, Skat Foundation, St Gallen, Switzerland; Jose Gesti Canuto, UNICEF, New York, USA; Djani Zadi, Peter Harvey, and Anne Cabrera-Clerget, UNICEF, Copenhagen, Denmark
Year of Publishing: 2021
Publisher: UNICEF

Remote Monitoring of Handpumps Topical collection of papers and reports

Downloads: 1739
Author: Various
Year of Publishing: 2020

The role of manual drilling for universal access to drinking water: Sharing experiences and ideas in Madrid, April 2019

Downloads: 452
Author: Danert, K; Abuuru, D; Adekile, D; Diene, M; Fussi, F; Gesti, J; Kane, C; Martinez-Santos, P; Museteka, L; O'Dochairtaigh, B; Tindimugaya, C.
Year of Publishing: 2019

Statutory Instruments for Groundwater in Zambia

Downloads: 124
Author: Government of Zambia
Year of Publishing: 2018

Improving the Professionalism in the Drilling Sector for Cost-Effective Boreholes in Madagascar

Downloads: 110
Author: Serele, Charles
Year of Publishing: 2018
Publisher: UNICEF
Institution: UNICEF

Rapport de formation - Techniques et Supervision de Forages (Madagascar)

Downloads: 102
Author: Serele, Charles
Year of Publishing: 2018

Solar Water Pumping Miniguide

Downloads: 3085
Author: International Organisation for Migration - Global Solar and Water Initiative
Year of Publishing: 2018
Publisher: IOM
Institution: IOM

Le Pompage Solaire: Manuel de Formation Appliqué aux Adductions d’Eau Potable en milieu rural

Downloads: 199
Author: van de Giessen,E., E. Roek, G. Bom, S. Abric and R. Vuik
Year of Publishing: 2018
Publisher: PRACTICA Foundation
Institution: UNICEF / Practica Foundation

Perceived trends in the development of individualised water supplies in Africa. Survey Summary

Downloads: 65
Author: Healy, A.
Year of Publishing: 2018
Publisher: Cardiff University/RWSN
Institution: RIGSS

Resilience in Groundwater Supply Systems: Integrating Resource Based Approaches with Agency, Behaviour and Choice (RIGSS) Final Report

Downloads: 72
Author: Healy, A.; Upton, K.; Bristow, G.; Allan, S.; Bukar, Y.; Capstick, S.; Danert, K.; Furey, S.; Goni, I.; MacDonald, A.; Theis, S.; Tijani, M.N.; Whitmarsh, L.
Year of Publishing: 2018
Publisher: Cardiff University

Evaluation of the sustainability of solar powered water supply systems in Kenya

Downloads: 231
Author: EED Advisory Ltd.
Year of Publishing: 2018
Publisher: EED Advisory Ltd.
Institution: EU, IOM, Oxfam, NFC, GSWI

Borehole Drilling – Planning, Contracting & Management: A UNICEF Toolkit

Downloads: 5230
Author: Dotun Adekile & Kerstin Danert, Skat Foundation, St Gallen, Switzerland; Jose Gesti Canuto, UNICEF, New York, USA; Djani Zadi, Peter Harvey, and Anne Cabrera-Clerget, UNICEF, Copenhagen, Denmark
Year of Publishing: 2018
Publisher: UNICEF
Institution: UNICEF

Borehole Drilling Supervision Short Course, Zambia (2018)

Downloads: 446
Author: Dotun Adekile, Max Karen & Kerstin Danert
Year of Publishing: 2018
Publisher: Skat Foundation
Institution: Skat Foundation

Performance evaluation and economic analysis of solar photo-voltaic water pumping systems: Case of Abakore borehole water supply system in Kenya

Downloads: 79
Author: Otieno, J. O.; Omuto, C. T.; Gitau, A. A.
Year of Publishing: 2018
Publisher: International Journal of Water Resources and Environmental Engineering
Institution: University of Nairobi, Kenya, Department of Environmental and Biosystems Engineering

Funding mechanisms to incentivize sustainable and inclusive water provision in Kenya’s arid and semi-arid lands

Downloads: 65
Author: Ashni Shah; Rob Mills
Year of Publishing: 2018
Publisher: Oxfam International
Institution: Oxfam International

Water Supply Borehole Drilling Supervision Training - Water Futures Programme

Downloads: 185
Author: Mannix, N.
Year of Publishing: 2018
Publisher: Climate Justice Fund
Institution: Climate Justice Fund

Measuring functionality and performance levels Technical brief

Downloads: 239
Author: Fallas, H. C., MacDonald, A.M., Casey, V., Kebede, S., Owor, M., Mwathunga, E., Calow, R., Cleaver, F., Cook, P., Fenner, R.A., Dessie, N., Yehualaeshet, T., Wolde, G., Okullo, J., Katusiime, F., Alupo, G., Berochan, G., Chavula, G., Banda, S., Mleta, P.,
Year of Publishing: 2018
Publisher: British Geological Survey (BGS)
Institution: UPGro Hidden Crisis Consortium

SADC-GMI Short Course 1: Drilling Supervision (2018) 23 – 27 April 2018, Institute for Groundwater Studies, University of the Free State, Bloemfontein, South Africa

Downloads: 105
Author: SADC-GMI
Year of Publishing: 2018
Publisher: SADC-GMI
Institution: SADC-GMI

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