Danert, K., Sloots, R., Ndiaye, T., Bogle, S and Questad, A.

Year of Publishing

Rural Water Supply Network

Ask for Water GmbH, Skat Foundation

WASH Funders Infrastructure Checklists: Boreholes and Handpumps


This document urges funding agencies to be explicit in expecting infrastructure and services to be of high quality – and to foster a culture of quality. The set of four checklists presented should help organisations that are funding Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) projects and programmes to ask the right questions in relation to borehole and handpump design and construction quality. The checklists can support a self-assessment or an assessment of specific Grantees. The checklists could also be used when assessing applications, and/or to take stock part-way through an ongoing programme and enable organisations funding WASH to strengthen mechanisms and ultimately ensure that their Grantees follow good practices, with technical construction standards consistently upheld.

The four checklists are:
1. Direct implementation – boreholes
2. Direct implementation – handpumps
3. Direct implementation – post-construction monitoring and inspection
4. Indirect implementation – strengthening the enabling environment for service delivery that relies on borehole drilling and/or handpumps

Bibliographical Information:

Danert, K., Sloots, R., Ndiaye, T., Bogle, S and Questad, A. (2024) WASH Funders Infrastructure Checklists: Boreholes and Handpumps. , First Edition , Ask for Water GmbH, Skat Foundation , Rural Water Supply Network , St Gallen, Switzerland

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WASH Funders Infrastructure Checklists: Boreholes and Handpumps

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WASH Funders Infrastructure Checklists: Boreholes and Handpumps.docx

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