RWSN Library

RWSN Secretariat
Year of Publishing
RWSN Member Organisations learning and networking events
The RWSN Secretariat organises regular learning and networking events dedicated to RWSN Member Organisations only, to enable them to exchange, learn from each other, and find out more about the services RWSN offers to its Member Organisations.
The following events have taken place so far:
- June 2022: on the benefits that RWSN offers to Member Organisations, and what Member Organisations would like to get out of their membership.
- March 2023: on financial innovations to improve the financial sustainability of rural water services, with presentations by 1001Fontaines, the Aquaya Institute, Green Empowerment and Water Compass.
- June/ July 2023: on mobilising investments for water and sanitation enterprises through carbon credits (in partnership with Aqua for All), with presentations from Fair Climate Fund India, Water Access Rwanda, Aqua Clara Kenya and Nazava Water Filters.
Between 40 to 50 organisations participate in each series of events. Below are the recordings of the presentations and slides.
Bibliographical Information:
RWSN Secretariat (2023) RWSN Member Organisations learning and networking events. , RWSN , RWSN
More Information
Aqua for All & RWSN’s Learning & Networking event for Member Organisations & Partners (full recording)
» Recording - RWSN Member Organisations learning and networking event
An introduction to how RWSN can support rural water supply organisations - as told by RWSN Secretariat Director Sean Furey during the RWSN Member Organisation online learning and networking event (June 2022)
RWSN held a learning and networking event for its Member Organisations on March 7th 2023 on innovations to improve the financial viability of rural water services. Eva Leneveu of 1001Fontaines presented the experience of 1001Fontaines in Cambodia and Madagascar.
RWSN held a learning and networking event for its Member Organisations on March 7th 2023 on innovations to improve the financial viability of rural water services. Ned Morgan of Water Compass presented the lessons learnt from using prepayment systems for rural water services.
» Presentation by the Aquaya Institute on financial innovations in rural water supply
RWSN held a learning and networking event for its Member Organisations on March 9th 2023 on innovations to improve the financial viability of rural water services. Caroline Delaire of the Aquaya Institute presented 3 financial innovations in rural water supply to (i) make water quality monitoring financially viable, (ii) unlock user payments and (iii) expand the customer base through pro-poor subsidies.
RWSN held a learning and networking event for its Member Organisations on March 9th 2023 on innovations to improve the financial viability of rural water services. Katya Diaz Salcedo of Green Empowerment presented Green Empowerment's approach to sustainable rural water services in the LAC region.
Carbon credits explained - presentation by Thijs Merton (Fair Climate Fund India)
Aqua for All & RWSN’s Learning & Networking event for Member Organisations & Partners
Carbon Credits & Us - presentation by Christelle Kwizera, Water Access Rwanda
Mobilising investments for water and sanitation enterprises through carbon credits - Aqua for All
RWSN Member Organisation learning and networking event - 7 March 2023
RWSN Member Organisation learning and networking event - 9 March 2023
RWSN Member Organisation learning and networking event - 22 June
RWSN Member Organisation learning and networking event - 8 June
Flyer RWSN services for Member Organisations