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Year of Publishing
RWSN Early Webinar Series 2024 Resources from the webinars
Below are links to recordings, slides, and Q&A documents from each webinar of the series.
Stop the Rot: Experiences and challenges of preventing rapid corrosion of rural water supply infrastructure, 30 April
Rapid handpump corrosion and the underlying causes have been known for decades, and yet still occur. This webinar presented a World Bank technical note that calls for the prevention of rapid corrosion through regulation alongside experiences from Uganda and Zambia.
Incontinence: An urgent hidden issue for rural water supply, 4 June
This webinar by the RWSN Leave No-one Behind theme raised awareness of the need to pay attention to the needs of people living with incontinence across all ages. This webinar will enable RWSN members and attendees to understand the issue of incontinence and why it matters for rural water supply.
Artificial Intelligence and Water Management: Opportunities, Effectiveness, Limitations and Ethics, 11 June
This webinar by the RWSN Data for Action theme introduced network members to the opportunities that AI can bring to water management challenges of the 21st century by sharing practical examples of AI applications in rural water supply. However, the webinar will also highlight any limitations and ethical issues members need to be aware of before using AI by sharing real-world examples of AI’s limitations and/or ethical grey areas.
Supported self-supply: case studies from four continents, 18 June
Self-supply exists in almost all countries around the world and in specific times and areas can be the dominant form of service provision. Nevertheless, information on this approach typically is scattered and hard to find – mostly due to the passive role of government and the lack of reporting/monitoring mechanisms. This webinar by the RWSN Self-Supply theme explored the case studies of formal programs to support self-supply from four continents.
Stop the Rot: The quality challenge - ensuring a high standard of rural water infrastructure from the outset
25 June, 14:00 CEST
Poor quality infrastructure continues to be a problem in rural water supplies. This webinar provides a platform to discuss the issue, including looking at some of the types of quality problems encountered and experiences of several organizations who have managed to consistently procure quality components.
Bibliographical Information:
RWSN (2024) RWSN Early Webinar Series 2024. Resources from the webinars
More Information
[Recording] 30 April, 2024
» Incontinence: An urgent issue for rural water supply
[Recording] 4 June, 2024
» Artificial Intelligence and Water Management: Opportunities, Effectiveness, Limitations and Ethics
[Recording] 11 June, 2024
» Supported self-supply: case studies from four continents
[Recording] 18 June, 2024
[Recording] 25 June, 2024
English_Stop the Rot: Experiences and challenges of preventing rapid corrosion of rural water supply infrastructure
Français_Stop the Rot : expériences et défis de la prévention de la corrosion rapide des infrastructures d'approvisionnement en eau en milieu rural
Stop the Rot Webinar, 30 April: Questions and Answers
Incontinence: An urgent hidden issue for rural water supply
English_Artificial Intelligence and Water Management: Opportunities, Effectiveness, Limitations and Ethics
Français_Intelligence artificielle et gestion de l'eau : Opportunités, efficacité, limites et éthique
[Q&A] Artificial Intelligence and Water Management: Opportunities, Effectiveness, Limitations and Ethics
Supported self-supply: Case studies from four continents
English_Stop the Rot: The quality challenge - ensuring a high standard of rural water infrastructure from the outset
Français_Stop the Rot : Le défi de la qualité -garantir un niveau élevé d'infrastructures hydrauliques rurales dès le départ