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Ask for Water GmbH
Mapping of Rural Water Supply Publications, using AI assistance
This document was developed under the Accelerating Sanitation and Water for All (ASWA) programme which is being implemented in eight countries: Burkina Faso, Cote, d’Ivoire, Mali, Niger, Mozambique, Nigeria, Somalia and Tanzania, and is funded by the Kingdom of the Netherlands (DGIS). The purpose of this publication is to: (i) identify tools, guidelines and manuals that can be used in the third phase of implementation of the ASWA programme, and (ii) enable the identification of gaps in terms of knowledge products for rural water supply service delivery.
The mapping was supported by Artificial Intelligence (AI) analysis conducted by ‘WASH AI’, a knowledge assistant and suite of information services driven by AI including the largest WASH information database.
In total 161 relevant publications meeting the criteria were identified and included in a database accessible through the on-line library of the Rural Water Supply Network (RWSN), a knowledge-sharing and collaboration network with over 15,000 members from 168 countries and territories.
The analysis of the relevant publications, using assisted AI, contributed to identify publications that can be used directly during the implementation of the ASWA programme, others that could be used with needed local adaptation, and also identified some knowledge gaps which the ASWA III phase could contribute to bridge.
Bibliographical Information:
DANERT K., O. MILLS, J. ALVAREZ-SALA (2024) Mapping of Rural Water Supply Publications, using AI assistance. , Ask for Water GmbH , UNICEF , New York, USA
More Information
Fact Sheet: Mapping of Rural Water Supply Publications, using AI assistance