RWSN Library
Compendio de Innovaciones Tecnológicas en Agua y Saneamiento Rural
Experiencias del Proyecto SABA Plus
Downloads: 5
Author: Cárdenas, Z., Giancarlos Niccolay, S. R., Pacheco, H., Díaz, N. and W. Cabrera
Year of Publishing: 2018
Publisher: CARE/COSUDE
Institution: SABA+
Emerging Trends in Rural Water Management
REAL-Water Synthesis Report
Downloads: 0
Author: REAL-Water
Year of Publishing: 2023
Publisher: Rural Evidence and Learning for Water Project.
Institution: USAID
Solar Water Pump Durability Research Memo
Downloads: 137
Author: Nathaniel Faith, Kaileigh Vincent-Welling, Tyler Bernard, Arne Jacobson
Year of Publishing: 2020
Publisher: Schatz Energy Research Center
Institution: Schatz Energy Research Center
SIRWASH Webinar Series
Webinar series of the SIRWASH Programme (Sustainable and Innovative Rural Water, Sanitation and Hygiene)
Downloads: 459
Author: Various
Year of Publishing: 2023
Publisher: RWSN
Institution: RWSN
Control y Vigilancia de la Calidad del Agua para Consumo Humano
Experiencia de Trabajo Articulado del Gobierno Local y Salud
Downloads: 12
Author: Proyecto SABA PLUS, COSUDE, CARE Peru
Year of Publishing: 2018
Plan de Fortalecimiento Comunal en Administración, Operación y Mantenimiento de los Servicios de Saneamiento
Downloads: 10
Author: Proyecto SABA Plus, CARE PERU, COSUDE
Year of Publishing: 2018
Instalación del hipoclorador por goteo con flotador
Downloads: 21
Author: Proyecto SABA PLUS, COSUDE, CARE Peru
Year of Publishing: 2018
Dosifcador de cloro con bomba eléctrica
Manual de instalación, operación y mantenimiento
Downloads: 28
Author: Proyecto SABA Plus, CARE PERU, COSUDE
Year of Publishing: 2018
Guía para la evaluación de daños y análisis de necesidades en sistemas de agua y saneamiento rural
Downloads: 22
Author: Proyecto SABA PLUS, COSUDE, CARE Peru
Year of Publishing: 2018
Guía de mitigación en agua y saneamiento rural
Downloads: 6
Author: Proyecto SABA PLUS, COSUDE, CARE Peru
Year of Publishing: 2018
Guía para la reducción del riesgo de desastres en proyectos de agua y saneamiento rural en un contexto de cambio climático
Downloads: 8
Author: Proyecto SABA PLUS, COSUDE, CARE Peru
Year of Publishing: 2018
Institution: COSUDE
Herramientas para el fortalecimiento institucional de gerencias / direcciones regionales de vivienda, construcción y saneamiento
Downloads: 7
Author: Proyecto SABA Plus, COSUDE, CARE PERU
Year of Publishing: 2018
Publisher: Editorial Imprenta Publiser S.R.L
Servicios sostenibles e innovadores de Agua, Saneamiento e Higiene en zonas rurales - SIRWASH
Cerrando brechas en la cobertura y calidad de los servicios de agua, saneamiento e higiene para asegurar servicios asequibles, sostenbibles y de calidad
Downloads: 9
Author: Agencia Suiza para el Desarrollo y la Cooperación (COSUDE)
Year of Publishing: 2021
Hipoclorador de goteo de carga constante de doble recipiente
Manual de instalación, operación y mantenimiento
Downloads: 6
Author: Proyecto SABA Plus, CARE PERU, COSUDE
Year of Publishing: 2018
Hipoclorador por goteo con flotador - Manual de instalación, operación y mantenimiento
Manual de instalación, operación y mantenimiento
Downloads: 3
Author: Pro yecto SABA Plus, CARE PERU, COSUDE
Year of Publishing: 2018
Instalación del dosificador de cloro con bomba eléctrica
Downloads: 4
Author: Proyecto SABA Plus, COSUDE, CARE PERU
Year of Publishing: 2018
Publisher: Editorial Imprenta Publiser S.R.L
Experiencia de fortalecimiento del sector a través de plataformas regionales de saneamiento
Aportes del Proyecto SABA-COSUDE, a la política pública del Sector Saneamiento en el Perú - 2017
Downloads: 3
Author: l Proyecto SABA Plus, COSUDE, CARE PERU
Year of Publishing: 2018
Trazadores en Agua y Saneamiento Rural
Downloads: 4
Author: Proyecto SABA Plus, COSUDE
Year of Publishing: 2018
Publisher: CARE PERU
Plan de Educación Sanitaria
Proyecto SABA Plus
Downloads: 5
Author: Proyecto SABA Plus, COSUDE
Year of Publishing: 2018
Publisher: CARE PERÚ
Experiencia de fortalecimiento de capacidades a través de: Diplomados en Saneamiento
Aportes del Proyecto SABA - COSUDE, a la política pública del Sector Saneamiento en el Perú - 2017
Downloads: 3
Author: Proyecto SABA Plus, COSUDE
Year of Publishing: 2018
Institution: Proyecto SABA Plus, COSUDE
Experiencia de fortalecimiento de capacidades a través de curso de especialización de promotores sociales en saneamiento
Aporte del Proyecto SABA-COSUDE, a la política pública del Sector Saneamiento en el Perú 2017
Downloads: 4
Author: Proyecto SABA Plus, COSUDE
Year of Publishing: 2018
Publisher: Proyecto SABA Plus, COSUDE
Institution: Proyecto SABA Plus, COSUDE
Experiencia de la Gestión Municipal en Agua y Saneamiento A Partir de las Áreas Técnicas Municipales - ATM
Aportes del proyecto Saba-COSUDE a la política pública del sector de saneamiento en el Perú - 2017
Downloads: 4
Author: COSUDE, Proyecto SABA Plus
Year of Publishing: 2018
Publisher: COSUDE, Proyecto SABA Plus
Institution: COSUDE, Proyecto SABA Plus
Lead in drinking-water: Health risks, monitoring and corrective actions
Technical brief
Downloads: 41
Author: WHO
Year of Publishing: 2022
Publisher: World Health Organization
RWSN Member Organisations learning and networking events
Downloads: 104
Author: RWSN Secretariat
Year of Publishing: 2023
Publisher: RWSN
Institution: RWSN
Professionaliser les services d'eau portable en milieu rural / professionalising rural water services
World Water Forum 9: Session 2A4 (22 March 2022)
Downloads: 106
Author: Boulenouar, Furey, Diagne, Ndianor, Akdi, Dahane, Money and Delaire
Year of Publishing: 2022
Publisher: -
Institution: -
Downloads: 7
Author: Maria Catalina Ramirez
Year of Publishing: 2006
Publisher: InfoAndina
Institution: CONDESAN
Global prospects to deliver safe drinking water services for 100 million rural people by 2030
REACH working paper 12
Downloads: 1019
Author: Nilsson, K., Hope, R., McNicholl, D., Nowicki, S., and Charles, K.
Year of Publishing: 2021
Publisher: University of Oxford and RWSN
Institution: REACH programme
Acceso a servicios de agua y saneamiento en áreas rurales dispersas: Camino a la universalización
Access to Water and Sanitation Services in Dispersed Rural Settlements: The Path to Universalization
Downloads: 19
Author: Alvarez, L.
Year of Publishing: 2019
Publisher: Inter-American Development Bank
Institution: Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo
Efectos del Programa de Agua Potable y Saneamiento para Pequeñas Localidades y Comunidades Rurales en Bolivia
Resultados de la evaluación de impacto intermedia
Downloads: 10
Author: Celhay, P.; Márquez, J. L.; Martinez, S.; Mecerreyes, .; Muñoz, M.; Sturzenegger, G.; Vidal, C.
Year of Publishing: 2021
Publisher: Inter-American Development Bank
Institution: Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo
Reaching the Last Mile
Providing water and sanitation services to dispersed rural communities
Downloads: 42
Author: Bedoya del Olmo, Celia
Year of Publishing: 2019
Publisher: Inter-American Development Bank
REACH/ RWSN 100M initiative
Downloads: 569
Author: REACH and RWSN
Year of Publishing: 2021
Publisher: REACH and RWSN
Institution: REACH and RWSN
Summary of RWSN E-discussion Responding to the Current COVID-19 Crisis: Questions, Resources, and Implications for Rural Water Supply at the Operational Level
Répondre à la crise COVID-19 actuelle: questions, ressources et implications pour l'approvisionnement en eau en milieu rural au niveau opérationnel
Downloads: 115
Author: Fisher, M. (UNC); Behnke, N. (UNC); Kelly E. (UNC); McNaughton A. (UNC); Furey S. (RWSN); Fürst, S. (RWSN)
Year of Publishing: 2020
Publisher: RWSN
Institution: RWSN, UNC
WASH Capacity Development Resources
Downloads: 140
Author: RWSN Secretariat
Year of Publishing: 2019
Publisher: RWSN/Skat
Institution: RWSN/ Skat
Professional Management of Water Well Drilling Projects & Programmes
Online Course 2019 Process Report
Downloads: 311
Author: Danert, K.
Year of Publishing: 2020
Publisher: Skat Foundation
Institution: RWSN
Groundwater and Drilling
Insights from over 50 countries
Downloads: 532
Author: Danert, K.
Year of Publishing: 2020
Publisher: Skat Foundation
Institution: RWSN
Noticias del RWSN - en español
Downloads: 162
Author: RWSN Secretariat
Year of Publishing: 2024
Publisher: RWSN
Institution: RWSN
The 2019 RWSN directory of rural water supply services, tariffs, management models and lifecycle costs
2019 Edition [ENGLISH]
Downloads: 1489
Author: Deal, P. T. and Furey S. G.
Year of Publishing: 2019
Publisher: Skat Foundation
Institution: RWSN
The role of manual drilling for universal access to drinking water: Sharing experiences and ideas in Madrid, April 2019
Downloads: 462
Author: Danert, K; Abuuru, D; Adekile, D; Diene, M; Fussi, F; Gesti, J; Kane, C; Martinez-Santos, P; Museteka, L; O'Dochairtaigh, B; Tindimugaya, C.
Year of Publishing: 2019
Making Rights Real - French version
Downloads: 45
Author: WASH United, WaterAid, Institute for Sustainable Futures – University of Technology Sydney, End Water Poverty, UNICEF and RWSN, in partnership with C3
Year of Publishing: 2016
Making Rights Real
Downloads: 502
Author: WASH United, WaterAid, Institute for Sustainable Futures – University of Technology Sydney, End Water Poverty, UNICEF and RWSN, in partnership with C3
Year of Publishing: 2016
Borehole Drilling – Planning, Contracting & Management: A UNICEF Toolkit
Downloads: 5471
Author: Dotun Adekile & Kerstin Danert, Skat Foundation, St Gallen, Switzerland; Jose Gesti Canuto, UNICEF, New York, USA; Djani Zadi, Peter Harvey, and Anne Cabrera-Clerget, UNICEF, Copenhagen, Denmark
Year of Publishing: 2018
Publisher: UNICEF
Institution: UNICEF
Solar pumping for rural water supply: life-cycle costs from eight countries
40th WEDC International Conference
Downloads: 181
Author: A. Armstrong, J. Mahan & J. Zapor
Year of Publishing: 2017
Publisher: WEDC Conference 2017
Institution: Water Mission
District Monitoring
Water Point Mapping and Monitoring Series
Downloads: 142
Author: Pearce, J, E. Greggio, and E. Stephens
Year of Publishing: 2015
Publisher: RWSN
المقررة الخاصة للأمم المتحدة المعنية بحق الإنسان في الحصول على مياه الشرب المأمونة وخدمات الصرف الصح
Downloads: 32
Year of Publishing: 2014
Publisher: UN Special Rapporteur on the human right to safe drinking water and sanitation
Institution: UN Special Rapporteur on the human right to safe drinking water and sanitation
Handpumps: where now?
A synthesis of online discussions (2012-2014) -##2019 UPDATE##
Downloads: 1052
Author: FUREY S. G.
Year of Publishing: 2019
Publisher: RWSN
Institution: Skat Foundation
Post-Construction Support and Sustainability in Community-Managed Rural Water Supply
Water P-Notes Issue 39
Downloads: 106
Author: Bakalian, A., Wakeman, W.
Year of Publishing: 2009
Publisher: World Bank
RWSN Handpump Survey 2013
Summary of Findings
Downloads: 992
Author: FUREY S. G.
Year of Publishing: 2013
Publisher: Skat Foundation
Institution: Rural Water Supply Network
EMAS Household Water Supply Technologies in Bolivia
Increasing Access to Low-Cost Water Supplies in Rural Areas
Downloads: 951
Year of Publishing: 2013
Publisher: RWSN
Institution: RWSN
Educación de Agua
Manual del Estudiante / Manual de Maestro
Downloads: 134
Year of Publishing: 2012
Publisher: Aguayuda, Inc.
Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Challenges in Latin America for the Next Decade
Lessons from the “Cusco+10” International Seminar
Downloads: 157
Year of Publishing: 2011
Publisher: The World Bank
Institution: Water and Sanitation Program
Bomba de Accion Directa (Maya - Yaku)
Especificaciones Rev. 0-1993
Downloads: 84
Author: BAUMANN, E.
Year of Publishing: 1993
Publisher: Rural Water Supply Network
Institution: Skat