RWSN Library

Fisher, M. (UNC); Behnke, N. (UNC); Kelly E. (UNC); McNaughton A. (UNC); Furey S. (RWSN); Fürst, S. (RWSN)
Year of Publishing
Summary of RWSN E-discussion Responding to the Current COVID-19 Crisis: Questions, Resources, and Implications for Rural Water Supply at the Operational Level Répondre à la crise COVID-19 actuelle: questions, ressources et implications pour l'approvisionnement en eau en milieu rural au niveau opérationnel
From 6 to 26 April 2020, RWSN and the Water Institute of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill ran this e-discussion organised and moderated by Michael Fisher (UNC), Nikki Behnke (UNC), Sean Furey (RWSN) and Sandra Fürst (RWSN). The present document summarizes the contributions by 42 participants received during this e-discussion. Weekly summaries were prepared by Michael Fisher (UNC), Emma Kelly (UNC), and Abby McNaughton (UNC), and form the basis of this overall summary.
Bibliographical Information:
Fisher, M. (UNC); Behnke, N. (UNC); Kelly E. (UNC); McNaughton A. (UNC); Furey S. (RWSN); Fürst, S. (RWSN) (2020) Summary of RWSN E-discussion Responding to the Current COVID-19 Crisis: Questions, Resources, and Implications for Rural Water Supply at the Operational Level. Répondre à la crise COVID-19 actuelle: questions, ressources et implications pour l'approvisionnement en eau en milieu rural au niveau opérationnel , RWSN, UNC , RWSN , St. Gallen
COVID-19 E-discussion 2020 Summary (English)