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Bedoya del Olmo, Celia
Year of Publishing
Inter-American Development Bank
Reaching the Last Mile Providing water and sanitation services to dispersed rural communities
In isolated communities in the mountains, rainforests and along the coasts of Latin America and the Caribbean, thousands of inhabitants are parched – and often forgotten. The only way to ensure that no one is left behind is to provide these people with clean water and sanitation services. Their homes represent the missing link of this chain, where the final leap from partial to universal access to such services needs to occur.
This publication presents the life stories of the beneficiaries of the pilot projects directed to rural disperse communities in Colombia, Honduras, Mexico and Peru, financed by the Multi-donor AquaFund.
Bibliographical Information:
Bedoya del Olmo, Celia (2019) Reaching the Last Mile. Providing water and sanitation services to dispersed rural communities , Inter-American Development Bank
Reaching the Last Mile