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Total Results: 5 • Page 1 of 1

Author   Year   Downloads   Title

Global prospects to deliver safe drinking water services for 100 million rural people by 2030 REACH working paper 12

Downloads: 1013
Author: Nilsson, K., Hope, R., McNicholl, D., Nowicki, S., and Charles, K.
Year of Publishing: 2021
Publisher: University of Oxford and RWSN
Institution: REACH programme


Downloads: 725
Author: Siegel, L.
Year of Publishing: 2022
Publisher: Self-published

Inclusive Rural Water Supply Management Innovations Summary of the Rural Water Supply Network’s Leave No-one Behind Group E-Discussion 12th November – 4th December 2018

Downloads: 165
Author: Kohlitz, J., Kome, A., Nath, P., Ahrari S., Gosling L.
Year of Publishing: 2018
Publisher: RWSN
Institution: SNV/UTS/WaterAid/Simavi

Summary of RWSN E-discussion Responding to the Current COVID-19 Crisis: Questions, Resources, and Implications for Rural Water Supply at the Operational Level Répondre à la crise COVID-19 actuelle: questions, ressources et implications pour l'approvisionnement en eau en milieu rural au niveau opérationnel

Downloads: 115
Author: Fisher, M. (UNC); Behnke, N. (UNC); Kelly E. (UNC); McNaughton A. (UNC); Furey S. (RWSN); Fürst, S. (RWSN)
Year of Publishing: 2020
Publisher: RWSN
Institution: RWSN, UNC

5 Stories of Change / 5 Historias de Cambio / 5 Histoires de Changement WASH Agenda for Change

Downloads: 31
Author: Agenda for Change
Year of Publishing: 2023
Publisher: Agenda for Change

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