Kerstin Danert

Year of Publishing



RWSN Webinar Series 2015


Presenters from more than 25 different organisations, working in over 20 countries share their practical experiences and research findings. Participants have the opportunity to ask questions, and meet others with similar interests at the events. Topic covered include:
- radio for rural water supplies, drawing on practical experiences from Kenya and Tanzania.
- Self-supply in emergency and development contexts, and we shall be hearing from Sierra Leone as well as Ethiopia, and on the costs and quality of self-supply as well as government roles.
- a series of webinars on groundwater.
- experiences about dealing with gender, violence and access to WASH
- rainwater harvesting
- etc.

All of the presentations and links to the recordings will be posted here within two to three days of each webinar.

Bibliographical Information:

Kerstin Danert (2015) RWSN Webinar Series 2015. , RWSN , RWSN

More Information

» Water for Pastoralists and Livestock (RWSN) - Webinar Recording - 8th December 2015

» The magic and mystery of groundwater data (RWSN) - Webinar Recording - 1st December 2015

» La magie et le mystère des données sur les eaux souterraines (RWSN) - Webinar Recording - 1 décembre 2015

» Human rights and Self Supply – potential and challenges (RWSN) - Webinar Recording - 24th November 2015

» Les droit de l'homme et l'auto-approvisionnement – potentiel et défis (RWSN) - Webinar Recording - 24 novembre 2015

» Derechos humanos y auto-abastecimiento – potencial y retos (RWSN) - Webinar Recording - 24th November 2015

» Domestic Roofwater Harvesting at Scale (RWSN) - Webinar Recording - 17th November 2015

» Overcoming the Rural Water Supply Scandal of Handpump Corrosion (RWSN) - Webinar Recording - 10th November 2015

» Dépasser le scandale de la corrosion des pompes manuelles dans l'approvisionnement rural en eau (RWSN) - Webinar Recording - 10 novembre 2015

» Inclusive ways of working and inclusive designs 2 (RWSN) - Webinar Recording - 3rd November 2015

» Les habitudes de travail inclusives et les conceptions inclusives 2 (RWSN) - Webinar Recording - 3 novembre 2015

» Does the use of ICT-reporting improve rural water supply sustainability? Cases from Uganda and Timor Leste (RWSN) - Webinar Recording - 27th October 2015

» L'usage des NTIC dans le reporting améliore-t-il la durabilité de l'approvisionnement rural en eau? Études de cas d'Ouganda et du Timor oriental (RWSN) - Webinar Recording - 27 octobre 2015

» Inclusive ways of working and inclusive designs 1 (RWSN) - Webinar Recording - 20th October 2015

» Les habitudes de travail inclusives et les conceptions inclusives 1 (RWSN) - Webinar Recording - 20 octobre 2015

» Boreholes that last for a lifetime (RWSN) - Webinar Recording - 13th October 2015

» Des forages qui durent toute un vie (RWSN) - Webinar Recording - 13 octobre 2015

» From building infrastructure to creating support mechanisms for rural water supplies (RWSN) - Webinar Recording - 6th October 2015

» Desde el desarrollo de infraestructura hacia la creación de mecanismos de apoyo a sistemas de agua potable en zonas rurales (RWSN) - Webinar Recording - 6th October 2015

» Drilling supervision is no longer in fashion – the funders save, the users pay (UNICEF-RWSN) - Webinar Recording - 31th March 2015

» La supervision des forages est passée de mode – les financeurs économisent mais les usagers en paient le prix (UNICEF-RWSN) - Webinar Recording - 31 mars 2015

» Effective Procurement & Contract Management of Borehole Construction (UNICEF-RWSN) - Webinar Recording - 24th March 2015

» Passation de marchés et gestion des contrats pour la construction de forages (UNICEF-RWSN) - Webinar Recording - 24 mars 2015

» Gender, violence and access to WASH (WaterAid-RWSN) - Webinar Recording - 17th March 2015

» Sexe, violence et l accès à WASH (WaterAid-RWSN) - Webinar Recording - 17 mars 2015

» Groundwater Governance (UPGro-RWSN) - Webinar Recording - 10th March 2015

» Does the government have a role in Self-supply? (World Vision-RWSN) - Webinar Recording - 3rd March 2015

» Est-ce que le gouvernement a un rôle dans l'auto-approvisionnement? (World Vision-RWSN) - Webinar Recording - 3 mars 2015

» Groundwater Resources and Supplies in Africa (UPGro-RWSN) - Webinar Recording - 24th February 2015

» Costs and quality of Self-supply services (World Vision-RWSN) - Webinar Recording - 17th February 2015

» Coûts et la qualité des services d'auto-approvisionnement (World Vision-RWSN) - Webinar Recording - 17 février 2015

» Manual Drilling – a global perspective of local realities (UNICEF-RWSN) - Webinar Recording - 10th February 2015

» Le forage manuel - points de vue internationaux sur les réalités locales (UNICEF-RWSN) - Webinar Recording - 10 février 2015

» Self-supply examples from Ethiopia and Sierra Leone (World Vision-RWSN) - Webinar Recording - 3rd February 2015

» Exemples éthiopiens et sierra-léonais d'auto-approvisionnement (World Vision-RWSN) - Webinar Recording - 3 février 2015

» Radio for Rural Water Supplies (RWSN) - Webinar Recording - 27th January 2015


Enhancing management of water and rangeland resources in the pastoral areas of northern Kenya - John Nyachieo, SDC - Presentation on 8th December 2015
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Water supplies in pastoralist areas of Kenya: planning for multiple uses - René van Lieshout, IRC - Presentation on 8th December 2015
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Groundwater data and databases. Experience from Uganda - Lawrence Brown, Hafren Water, UK - Presentation on 1st December 2015
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Accessing and re-using borehole data, a worldwide problem - Helen Bonsor of the British Geological Survey, UK - Presentation on 1st December 2015
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Ground water database in Africa. How can we improve their quality and use this information in the future? - Fabio Fussi, University of Milano Bicocca, Italy - Presentation on 1st December 2015
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Groundwater Resources Governance Stampriet Transboundary Aquifer - Andreas Antoniou, IGRAC, Netherlands - Presentation on 1st December 2015
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Recueillir des statistiques et établir une base de données sur les eaux souterraines. Un exemple ougandais - Lawrence Brown, Hafren Water, UK - Présentation du 1 décembre 2015
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Accéder aux données de forage et les réutiliser, un problème global - Helen Bonsor of the British Geological Survey, UK - Présentation du 1 décembre 2015
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Les bases de données sur les eaux souterraines en Afrique. Comment améliorer leur qualité et leur usage à l avenir? - Fabio Fussi, University of Milano Bicocca, Italy - Présentation du 1 décembre 2015
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La gouvernance des ressources en eaux souterraines. L aquifère transfrontalières de Stampriet - Andreas Antoniou, IGRAC, Netherlands - Présentation du 1 décembre 2015
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Self-supply and Human Rights - Dr. Léo Heller, UN Special Rapporteur on Human Right to Water and Sanitation - Presentation on 24th November 2015
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Self-supply and Human Rights - Eng. Abel Manangi, Ministry of Local Government and Housing, Zambia - Presentation on 24th November 2015
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L auto-approvisionnement et les Droits Humains - Dr. Léo Heller, Rapporteur Spécial des Nations Unies sur le Droit Humain à l Eau et à l Assainissement - Présentation du 24 novembre 2015
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Droits Humains et approche auto-approvisionnement: un paradoxe? Cas typique du Niger - Amadou Mamane, World Vision Niger - Présentation du 24 novembre 2015
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Autoabastecimiento y Derechos Humanos - Dr. Léo Heller, UN Special Rapporteur on Human Right to Water and Sanitation - Presentation on 24th November 2015
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Cosecha de agua de lluvia en Tailandia – ejemplo exitoso de auto-abastecimiento - Matthias Saladin, Skat - Presentation on 24th November 2015
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Rainwater harvesting in Thailand, learning from the World Champions - Matthias Saladin, RWSN - Presentation on 17th November 2015
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Rainwater harvesting for Food Security - Robert Meerman, RAIN Foundation - Presentation on 17th November 2015
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Iron and Handpump Corrosion in Uganda - Jacinta Nakesa & Bonny Etti, WaterAid Uganda - Presentation on 10th November 2015
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Overcoming the Rural Water Supply Scandal of Handpump Corrosion - Jake Carpenter - Presentation on 10th November 2015
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Le fer et la corrosion des pompes manuelles en Ouganda - Jacinta Nakesa & Bonny Etti, WaterAid Ouganda- Présentation du 10 novembre 2015
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Surmonter le scandale des pompes manuelles pour l-approvisionnement rural en eau - Jake Carpenter - Présentation du 10 novembre 2015
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Increasing or reducing inequalities? Private water enterprises in rural Vietnam - Melita Grant, University of Technology Sydney - Presentation on 3rd November 2015
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Facilitating gender dialogue in community WASH in rural Timor-Leste - Novi Mau, WaterAid Timor-Leste - Presentation on 3rd November 2015
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Access to water and sanitation for all in Nepal? - Pamela White, Finnish Consultancy Group - Presentation on 3rd November 2015
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Augmenter ou réduire les inégalités? Les entreprises privées d-eau dans le Vietnam rural - Melita Grant, University of Technology Sydney - Présentation du 3 novembre 2015
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Faciliter le dialogue genre dans le WASH communautaire dans le Timor-Leste rural - Novi Mau, WaterAid Timor-Leste - Présentation du 3 novembre 2015
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Accès à l-eau et à l-assainissement pour tous au Népal? - Pamela White, Finnish Consultancy Group - Présentation du 3 novembre 2015
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Mobile Phones for Water in Uganda - J. Williams and E. Greggio, WaterAid - Presentation on 27th October 2015
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SIBS rural water supply and sanitation monitoring in Timor Leste - Joseph Pearce, IRC - Presentation on 27th October 2015
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Le projet “Des portables pour eau” en Ouganda - J. Williams et E. Greggio, WaterAid - Présentation du 27 octobre 2015
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Le suivi évaluation SIBS de l approvisionnement en eau et de l assainissement ruraux au Timor oriental - J. Pearce, IRC - Présentation du 27 octobre 2015
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Overview of Common Successes & Challenges regarding Inclusive WASH Programming - Nate Kamban - Presentation on 20th October 2015
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School WASH in Tanzania - Alex Ndama, WaterAid - Presentation on 20th October 2015
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Partnerships with Organizations of Persons with Disabilities to Foster Disability Inclusive WASH - Faustina Melody Tietaah and Abudu Alhassan - Presentation on 20th October 2015
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Vue de ensemble des succès et défis courants vis-à-vis des programmes WASH inclusifs - Nate Kamban - Présentation du 20 octobre 2015
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WASH dans les écoles en Tanzanie - Alex Ndama, WaterAid - Présentation du 20 octobre 2015
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Partenariats avec les Organisations de personnes avec handicap pour encourager la inclusion du handicap dans le WASH - Faustina Melody Tietaah et Abudu Alhassan - Présentation du 20 octobre 2015
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Managing borehole construction projects in schools -Jérémie Toubkiss, UNICEF Mali - Presentation on 13th October 2015
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La gestion des projets de construction de forages en milieu scolaire -Y. Diallo & S. Konare, UNICEF Mali - Présentation du 13 octobre 2015
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Strengthening Rural Water Service Delivery in Timor-Leste - Alex Grumbley, WaterAid - Presentation on 6th October 2015
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Different types of institutional support arrangements in India - Paul Hutchinson - Presentation on 6th October 2015
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Desde el Desarrollo de Infraestructura hacia la Creación de Mecanismos de Apoyo a Sistemas de Agua Potable en Zonas Rurales - Joshua Briemberg, WaterAid - Presentation on 6th October 2015
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A que costo, una herramienta de análisis financiero- Mauricio Camacho, Water for people - Presentation on 6th October 2015
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Drilling supervision is no longer in fashion - the funders save, the users pay – Dotun Adekile - Presentation on 31th March 2015
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La supervision des forages est pasée de mode – les financeurs économisent mais les usagers en paient le prix – Dotun Adekile - Présentation du 31 mars 2015
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Effective Procurement & Contract Management of Borehole Construction – Dotun Adekile - Presentation on 24th March 2015
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Passation de marchés et gestion des contrats pour la construction de forages - Dotun Adekile - Présentation du 24 mars 2015
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Violence, Gender and WASH - Sue Cavill and Sarah House - Presentation on 17th March 2015
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Violence, genre et accès aux services EAH - Louisa Gosling, WaterAid, UK - Présentation du 17 mars 2015
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Groundwater risks and institutional responses in Kwale, Kenya - Jacob Katuva, Oxford University, UK - Presentation on 10th March 2015
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From Codes of Practice to a Code of Conduct - Tom Armstrong, JB Drilling, Kenya - Presentation on 10th March 2015
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Self water supply in sahelian context - Daniel Maizama, World Vision Mali - Presentation on 3rd March 2015
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The role of government in accelerating access to safe and reliable water through Self-supply - Joel Kiwanuka, MWE Uganda - Presentation on 3rd March 2015
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L approvisionnement en eau dans le contexte sahélien – Daniel Maizama, World Vision Mali - Présentation du 3 mars 2015
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Le rôle du gouvernement dans le déploiement de l accès à une eau saine et fiable grâce à l auto-approvisionnement - Joel Kiwanuka, MWE Ouganda - Présentation du 3 mars 2015
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Groundwater resources in coastal East Africa - Joy Obando, Kenyatta University, Kenya - Presentation on 24th February 2015
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Groundwater resources in urban sub-Saharan Africa: the story from Kabwe, Zambia – Dan Lapworth, British Geological Survey - Presentation on 24th February 2015
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Potential of Self Supply - Bansaga Saga, World Vision, Ghana - Presentation on 17th February 2015
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Market support for low-cost, self supply WASH technologies - Morten van Donk, SHIPO Tanzania - Presentation on 17th February 2015
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Le rôle potentiel de l auto-approvisionnement - Bansage Saga, World Vision, Ghana - Présentation du 17 février 2015
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Soutenir le marché des technologies EAH d auto-approvisionnement à faible coût - Morten van Donk, SHIPO Tanzanie - Présentation du 17 février 2015
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Manual drilling, experiences from around the World - Kerstin Danert - 10th February 2015
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Professionalising manual drilling - Jose Gesti Canuto, UNICEF - 10th February 2015
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Le forage manuel, expériences tirées du monde entier, Kerstin Danert, 10 février 2015
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Le forage manuel professionnel - Jose Gesti Canuto, UNICEF, USA - 10 février 2015
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Self-supply examples from Ethiopia - Zelalem Wegari, World Vision, Ethiopia - Presentation on 3rd February 2015
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Perspectives of self-supply in Sierra Leone - Lahai Ensah Bunduka, Welthungerhilfe, Sierra Leone - Presentation on 3rd February 2015
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Exemples éthiopiens d Auto-approvisionnement - Zelalem Wegari - 3 février 2015
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Perspectives d auto-app en Sierra Léone - Lahai Ensah Bunduka - 3 février 2015
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Community Radio in South Sudan - Joseph Njuguna, Weer Bai FM, South Sudan - Presentation on 27th January 2015
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The Power of Radio for Rural Water Supplies - Cristina Talens, Lorna Young Foundation, UK - Presentation on 27th January 2015
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