
Year of Publishing



Low Cost Handpumps RWSN Field Note 2011-3


Groundwater supplies provide a significant proportion of rural dwellers in the developing world with access to a safe drinking water supply and will continue to do so in the near future. With the emergence of Self Supply and its increasing acceptance, low-cost handpumps have a role to play. Twenty five years ago the emphasis was on completely enclosed pumps (for drinking water only) to avoid the contamination of the well. Over the last 10 years, cheaper and simpler pump designs have become more acceptable. This development has been strongly influ-enced by the general recognition of the self-supply approach.

This guidance note points out the strengths and limitations of a number of low cost pumps. It provides an overview of the appli-cation, technical details, materials used, installation and mainte-nance, manufacturing requirements and costs of several low cost pumps, including information on the numbers installed and locations.

Bibliographical Information:

BAUMANN, E. (2011) Low Cost Handpumps. RWSN Field Note 2011-3 , RWSN , St Gallen, Switzerland


Low Cost Handpumps

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