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Year of Publishing
Ministry of Water and Environment, Republic of Uganda
Directorate of Water Development
A Community Resource Book for the Water and Sanitation Sector
This Community Resource Book has been prepared to provide communities, and especially any active person or group within communities (e.g. Water User Groups), with good knowledge in matters concerning the planning for, management and maintenance of water supply and sanitation facilities. The Book also provides guidance on how to improve the hygiene and sanitation practices at community and household level. In addition it outlines the roles and responsibilities of the respective communities, its leaders as well as key bodies and institutions that are involved in the process of implementing, rehabilitating and maintaining rural water and sanitation activities.
DISCLAIMER: This is a non-RWSN publication and endorsement by RWSN or any of its member organisations should not be inferred.
Bibliographical Information:
DWD (2007) A Community Resource Book for the Water and Sanitation Sector. , Directorate of Water Development , Ministry of Water and Environment, Republic of Uganda , Kampala, Uganda
A Community Resource Book for the Water and Sanitation Sector