Développement durable des eaux souterraines • Technologies de pompes manuelles
Les technologies des pompes à motricité humaine
Les pompes à motricité humaine ont été utilisées pendant des siècles; cependant cette simple technologie demeure la base de l’approvisionnement en eau potable en milieu rural pour de nombreux pays.
RWSN maintient les normes internationales pour les pompes à motricité humaine du domaine public depuis 1992 et fournit un appui technique à de nombreux gouvernements nationaux, ONG et entreprises du secteur privé afin de permettre la prise de décisions concernant la standardisation des pompes à motricité humaine, l'amélioration des normes de fabrication et le développement de compétences et de systèmes pour permettre leur bon fonctionnement et leur maintenance.
Si vous avez une connexion internet limitée, nous avons une clé usb avec toutes les spécifications techniques des pompes à motricité humaine - merci de contacter le secrétariat du RWSN pour les détails à l’adresse suivante
Le site web du RWSN héberge les standards, les lignes directrices pour la manufacture et le contrôle de la qualité, les manuels d’installation et de maintenance, ainsi que de nombreuses études pour un nombre important de pompes à motricité humaine (cf vue d’ensemble ci-dessous).
Etes-vous novice dans le domaine des pompes à motricité humaine?
Si vous voulez en savoir davantage sur les technologies de pompes à motricité humaine, celles qui sont les plus utilisées aujourd’hui et comment elles en sont arrivées à dominer le marché, et que vous êtes intéressés par les défis actuels des pompes à motricité humaine, nous vous recommandons de commencer par lire les documents suivants :
Technologies et historique des pompes |
Les défis des pompes à motricité humaine aujourd’hui |
Des pompes à motricité humaine low cost L'approvisionnement en eau potable communautaire: l'option pompe à motricité humaine |
Les pompes à motricité humaine: où en est-on actuellement? |
Autres documents pratiques que vous connaissez peut-être pas
Le RWSN a publié des manuels de maintenance et des notices brèves de maintenance pour les pompes à motricité humaine suivantes :
- Notice de maintenance de la pompe Afridev (Anglais, Français & Portugais)
- Manuel d'installation et de maintenance pour la pompe à motricité humaine Afridev
- Manuel d'installation et de maintenance pour la pompe à motricité humaine India Mark II
- Guide principal de mantenance de la pompe India Mark II
- Manuel d'installation et de maintenance pour les pompes à corde
- Notice de maintenance pour la pompe à corde
Et si vous n’avez pas joué au jeu de carte sur les pompes à motricité humaine (un jeu que nous utilisons pour la formation), essayez-le : le jeu de cartes des pompes à motricité humaine!
Malheureusement, pour le moment, nous ne pouvons fournir des informations sur les pompes à motricité humaine qu'en anglais.
The Afridev Pump
The Afridev Pump is a conventional lever action handpump. It is designed for heavy-duty use, serving communities of up to 300 persons. The maximum recommended lift is 45 m. The Afridev Pump is a public domain pump defined by RWSN specifications. The Afridev Pump is fully corrosion resistant, easy to install and has excellent potential for community-based maintenance.
Afridev Pump with Bottom Support
The Afridev Pump with a Bottom Support System (BSS) is a technology that uses a reinforced version of the Afridev Pump together with a Support from the end of the borehole (BSS). It is designed for water lifting in low water table areas and the maximal lift recommended is 80 m. The Afridev Pump with BSS is a public domain pump defined by RWSN specifications. The Afridev Pump with BSS is fully corrosion resistant, relatively easy to install by pump mechanics and can be maintained by the communities.
Bush Pump
Canzee Pump
The Canzee pump is a direct action pump initially developed in New Zealand. It uses a simple pumping principle. It consists of two pipes, one slightly larger than the other. At the bottom of each pipe is a non-return valve. The Canzee pump is designed as family pump for serving user groups of about 100 to 150 people. It can be used for irrigation of family gardens. Like all direct action pump the operation is not ergonomically favourable, therefore prolonged pumping is not possible.
EMAS Flexi Pump
The EMAS Flexi-pump is a very low cost direct action pump initially developed in Bolivia. It uses a simple pumping principle. It consists of two PE-pipes (diameter approx. 5 cm) put into one another, one slightly larger than the other. At the bottom of each pipe is a non-return valve (glass ball). A metal pipe with a T-fitting serves as handle of the pump. The EMAS Flexi pump is less resistant to very intensive use and mistreatment than metal pumps. It is designed as family pump for serving user groups of about 20 to 50 people. It can be used for irrigation of family gardens. Like all direct action pump the operation is not ergonomically favourable, therefore prolonged pumping is not possible.
India Mark II
India Mark II, Extra Deep-well Pump
The India Mark II Extra Deep well Pump is designed for lifting water from extra deep water sources and is therefore strongly built. The maximal lift recommended is 80 m. The India Mark II Extra Deep well is a public domain pump defined by Indian Standards or RWSN specifications. '
This pump is not considered to be a VLOM pump.
India Mark III Pump
Jibon Pump
Indus, Kabul & Pamir Pumps
Malda Pump
Money Maker Pump
A pump for small scale irrigation and limited use for drinking water.
The Money Maker pump is a further development of the treadle pump also intended as a foot operated pump for small scale irri-gation. The Pump sucks the water to the cylinder, then pressurizes it, sending it through a crude sprinkler over the crop. It is easy to repair and maintain The stepping movement of the operator is ergonomically favourable and makes it easy to pump for prolonged periods, thus well suited for irrigation. Typically, Money Makers Treadle placed near a river or pond and a suction hose reaches into the source. The pump installation is not fixed and the pump can be moved around. The pump is not intended for drinking water use as it takes the unprotected water from ponds or rivers.
Nira AF-85 Pump
No. 6 Pump
Rope Pump (Nicaragua)
Rope Pump (Madagascar)
Rope Pump (Mozambique)
Rower Pump
The Rower pump was developed as a simple manually operated pump for small scale irrigation. The Rower Pump is a suction pump in which the piston is directly activated. A surge chamber (an air vessel just downstream of the foot valve, makes the pumping op-eration is smoother). It is a simple and reliable pump with very few moving parts thus wear is reduced. It is easy to repair and main-tain The sitting position of the operator is ergonomically favourable and makes it easy to pump for prolonged periods, thus well suited for irrigation. The pump has limited use for drinking water as the spout is relatively low. Typically, Rower Pumps are installed in collapsible tube wells with the screen extending to the coarse sand aquifer.
Tara Pump
Treadle Pump
The treadle pump was developed as a simple foot operated pump for small scale irrigation. The pump is a suction pump in which the two pistons are activated via a pedal. The extended pedal acts as a counterpoise to push the piston back. The treadle pump is a simple and reliable pump with very few moving parts thus wear is reduced. It is easy to repair and maintain The stepping movement of the operator is ergonomically favourable and makes it easy to pump for prolonged periods, thus well suited for irrigation. The pump has limited use for drinking water as the spout is at ground level. Typically, Treadle pumps are installed in collapsible tube wells with the screen extending to the coarse sand aquifer.
U3M Pump
Vergnet Hydropump HPV 60 / HPV 100
Volanta Pump