Total Results: 3 • Page 1 of 1

Author   Year   Downloads   Title

Wider Asia and Pacific Regional Learning Event on Service Delivery Approach to Rural Water Supply Presentations

Downloads: 238
Author: RWSN
Year of Publishing: 2016
Publisher: RWSN

RWSN Handpump Survey 2013 Summary of Findings

Downloads: 990
Author: FUREY S. G.
Year of Publishing: 2013
Publisher: Skat Foundation
Institution: Rural Water Supply Network

Global prospects to deliver safe drinking water services for 100 million rural people by 2030 REACH working paper 12

Downloads: 1013
Author: Nilsson, K., Hope, R., McNicholl, D., Nowicki, S., and Charles, K.
Year of Publishing: 2021
Publisher: University of Oxford and RWSN
Institution: REACH programme

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