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Robinson, A.
Year of Publishing
World Bank
Afridev Handpumps in Pakistan Developing Private Sector Supply Chains to Deliver Rural Water Technology
Private demand emerges for an affordable and reliable pump.
Ten years ago, the Afridev handpump was relatively unknown outside of Africa. Today it is manufactured in three out of the four provinces of Pakistan and more than 80,000 locally manufactured Afridev handpumps have been installed in the region. This case study examines how this transformation occurred, and the effectiveness of the current supply chain for Afridev handpumps and spare parts in Pakistan. In particular, it focuses on the increasing importance of the private sector in a market that has been dominated by External Support Agencies (ESAs) and the local government.
Bibliographical Information:
Robinson, A. (2000) Afridev Handpumps in Pakistan. Developing Private Sector Supply Chains to Deliver Rural Water Technology , WSP , World Bank , Washington DC, USA
Afridev Handpumps in Pakistan