Total Results: 19 • Page 1 of 1

Author   Year   Downloads   Title

Borehole Drilling – Planning, Contracting & Management: A UNICEF Toolkit

Downloads: 5230
Author: Dotun Adekile & Kerstin Danert, Skat Foundation, St Gallen, Switzerland; Jose Gesti Canuto, UNICEF, New York, USA; Djani Zadi, Peter Harvey, and Anne Cabrera-Clerget, UNICEF, Copenhagen, Denmark
Year of Publishing: 2018
Publisher: UNICEF
Institution: UNICEF

Community management of water points: more problem than solution? RWSN Dgroups discussion synthesis

Downloads: 117
Author: Naughton, M.
Year of Publishing: 2017
Publisher: Skat
Institution: RWSN

Delivering Universal and Sustainable Water Services Partnering with the Private Sector

Downloads: 83
Author: Menzies I.
Year of Publishing: 2016
Publisher: WSP
Institution: The World Bank

Gender and rural water services – lessons from RWSN members Summary of RWSN E-discussion on how women’s engagement in Water User Committees impact on its performance and system functionality (2016) and RWSN Webinars: Making Water Work for Women, Sharing Inspiring Experiences (May 2017)

Downloads: 178
Author: Nicholas, N; Wilbur, J; Nath, P.; Gosling, L. and Naughton, M.
Year of Publishing: 2017
Publisher: RWSN
Institution: RWSN

Lead in drinking-water: Health risks, monitoring and corrective actions Technical brief

Downloads: 38
Author: WHO
Year of Publishing: 2022
Publisher: World Health Organization

Making Rights Real

Downloads: 502
Author: WASH United, WaterAid, Institute for Sustainable Futures – University of Technology Sydney, End Water Poverty, UNICEF and RWSN, in partnership with C3
Year of Publishing: 2016

Making Rights Real - Portuguese version

Downloads: 50
Author: WASH United, WaterAid, Institute for Sustainable Futures – University of Technology Sydney, End Water Poverty, UNICEF and RWSN, in partnership with C3
Year of Publishing: 2016

Noticias del RWSN - en español

Downloads: 140
Author: RWSN Secretariat
Year of Publishing: 2024
Publisher: RWSN
Institution: RWSN

Proceedings and report from the 7th RWSN Forum (2016, Abidjan) Contributions et rapport du 7ème Forum RWSN (2016, Abidjan)

Downloads: 201
Author: FUREY, S. G. (editor)
Year of Publishing: 2017
Publisher: Skat Foundation
Institution: RWSN

Professional Management of Water Well Drilling Projects & Programmes Online Course 2019 Process Report

Downloads: 309
Author: Danert, K.
Year of Publishing: 2020
Publisher: Skat Foundation
Institution: RWSN

REACH/ RWSN 100M initiative

Downloads: 569
Author: REACH and RWSN
Year of Publishing: 2021
Publisher: REACH and RWSN
Institution: REACH and RWSN

Rural Water for All - The river may be wide, but it can be crossed Final Report April 2012

Downloads: 146
Author: DANERT, K.
Year of Publishing: 2012
Publisher: RWSN
Institution: Skat

RWSN Member Organisations learning and networking events

Downloads: 103
Author: RWSN Secretariat
Year of Publishing: 2023
Publisher: RWSN
Institution: RWSN

RWSN Strategy 2018-2023 La stratégie RWSN 2018-2023

Downloads: 701
Author: RWSN
Year of Publishing: 2020
Publisher: Skat Foundation
Institution: RWSN

RWSN Young Professionals Engagement Strategy (2018) Stratégie d'engagement avec les jeunes professionnels de RWSN (2018)

Downloads: 192
Author: RWSN Secretariat
Year of Publishing: 2018
Publisher: RWSN

Self-supply of water in Asia and the Pacific: Country Profiles

Downloads: 105
Author: Foster, T. and Gonzalez, D.
Year of Publishing: 2022
Publisher: Sydney: UTS.
Institution: Sydney: UTS.

Social accountability for rural water services

Downloads: 212
Author: Naughton, M; Deshmukh, R; Ahrari, S; and Gosling, L
Year of Publishing: 2018
Publisher: RWSN
Institution: RWSN

Summary of RWSN E-discussion Responding to the Current COVID-19 Crisis: Questions, Resources, and Implications for Rural Water Supply at the Operational Level Répondre à la crise COVID-19 actuelle: questions, ressources et implications pour l'approvisionnement en eau en milieu rural au niveau opérationnel

Downloads: 114
Author: Fisher, M. (UNC); Behnke, N. (UNC); Kelly E. (UNC); McNaughton A. (UNC); Furey S. (RWSN); Fürst, S. (RWSN)
Year of Publishing: 2020
Publisher: RWSN
Institution: RWSN, UNC

The role of manual drilling for universal access to drinking water: Sharing experiences and ideas in Madrid, April 2019

Downloads: 452
Author: Danert, K; Abuuru, D; Adekile, D; Diene, M; Fussi, F; Gesti, J; Kane, C; Martinez-Santos, P; Museteka, L; O'Dochairtaigh, B; Tindimugaya, C.
Year of Publishing: 2019

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