Banks, B. & S. G. Furey

Year of Publishing



What’s Working, Where, and for How Long A 2016 Water Point Update to the RWSN (2009) statistics


• An average of 78% of water points are functional across the 11 countries analyzed.

• The high failure rates early after installation are troubling: almost 15% after one year and 25% of water points are non-functional by their fourth year after installation. This indicates widespread problems with poor quality water point installation, due to a range of problems that may include professionalism and skills around contracts, construction and supervision; borehole siting; lack of quality control of hardware; or lack of post-construction monitoring and problem resolution.

• Handpumps are often singled out as technology that fails, but analysis of other water point types show similar functionality levels, and that tens of thousands of handpumps are providing a service

This poster was peer-reviewed and presented at the 7th RWSN Forum in Abidjan, Cote'Ivoire 2016.

It replaces "Handpump Data 2009 Selected Countries in Sub-Saharan Africa" (2009)

Bibliographical Information:

Banks, B. & S. G. Furey (2016) What’s Working, Where, and for How Long. A 2016 Water Point Update to the RWSN (2009) statistics , GWC/Skat , RWSN , St. Gallen, Switzerland

More Information

» WPDx - Water Point Data Exchange

A global open-source archive of water point data and an open-standard for data collection

» 7th RWSN Forum website

» Old RWSN 2009 statistics


What’s Working, Where, and for How Long: A 2016 Water Point Update
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