
Year of Publishing

The World Bank

Water & Sanitation Program

Unlocking the Potential of Information Communications Technology to Improve Water and Sanitation Services WSP Report


This knowledge product is a summary of ndings from the Water and Sanitation Program (WSP) Study “Unlocking the Potential of ICT Services in the Water and Sanitation Sector”. e study builds on and complements the World Bank’s Africa Regional Strategy (2011) as well as the World Bank Group’s Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Strategy (2012). It further complements the E-Transform Africa series, a collaboration between the African Development Bank, the World Bank and the African Union, which captures the existing use of ICTs in six sectors (agriculture, climate change, education, health, nancial services, government) and two cross-cutting themes (regional trade and integration; ICT competitiveness).

Bibliographical Information:

NDAW, M. F. (2015) Unlocking the Potential of Information Communications Technology to Improve Water and Sanitation Services. WSP Report , Water & Sanitation Program , The World Bank , BP 622 Ouagadougou 01 Burkina Faso


Unlocking the Potential of Information Communications Technology to Improve Water and Sanitation Services

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