
Year of Publishing



The Water Point Mapping Updating Methodology A Guide by WaterAid Tanzania


Accurate information on water points is critical in order to provide sufficient data for planning and budgeting. Clarity of data means that it can be used to identify priority areas for investment as well as ensuring sustainability of existing water point infrastructure. However, data needs to be kept up to data if it is to be useful.

The main purpose of this guide is to outline the basics of the updating process in an attempt to address the challenges associated with water point mapping process and allow the methodology to be replicated. The tool is a paper-based approach that follows the Government of Tanzania’s usual reporting hierarchy.

This guide reflects WaterAid Tanzania’s experience in pioneering Water Point Mapping updating in Tanzania. WaterAid has built up a reputation as an expert on WPM and has accumulated considerable experience through its involvement in a range of different mapping activities in East Africa and elsewhere.

Bibliographical Information:

WaterAid (2014) The Water Point Mapping Updating Methodology. A Guide by WaterAid Tanzania , WaterAid , Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania


The Water Point Mapping Updating Methodology

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