Friedrich-Ebert-Str. 1
53173 Bonn
Contact Person
Stephan Simon, Irene Gai
Welthungerhilfe Welthungerhilfe is a Member of the RWSN Executive Committee
Welthungerhilfe (WHH) is one of the largest private aid agencies in Germany; politically and religiously independent. The organization fights for “Zero Hunger by 2030”. Since being founded in 1962, it has provided funding of EUR 4.75 billion for more than 11,498 overseas projects in 70 countries.
In 2022 alone, WHH supported about 18.8 million people with its 603 overseas projects in 37 countries. In real terms, that means: Many people now harvest more and can therefore improve their diets. They now have clean drinking water or toilets at home, which leaves them less susceptible to illness. Others are earning or producing more and can begin an education. For the children, WHH's support means a chance of improved physical and mental development.
WHH bases its efforts on the principle of empowering people to help themselves, which it implements with measures ranging from rapid disaster relief to rehabilitation to long-term development cooperation projects with national and international partner organizations.
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