RWSN Library
Handpump maintenance
guidelines for organising handpump maintenance systems
Downloads: 0
Author: Hofkes, EH
Year of Publishing: 1983
Publisher: IRC
Stop the rot: handpump functionality, corrosion, component quality and supply chains
Action research in sub-Saharan Africa
Downloads: 1696
Author: DANERT, K.
Year of Publishing: 2022
Publisher: Ask for Water GmbH, Skat Foundation and RWSN.
Global prospects to deliver safe drinking water services for 100 million rural people by 2030
REACH working paper 12
Downloads: 1020
Author: Nilsson, K., Hope, R., McNicholl, D., Nowicki, S., and Charles, K.
Year of Publishing: 2021
Publisher: University of Oxford and RWSN
Institution: REACH programme
Regulating Rural Water Supply Services
A comparative review of existing and emerging approaches with a focus on GIZ partner countries
Downloads: 122
Author: Gerlach, E.
Year of Publishing: 2019
Publisher: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
Groundwater and Drilling
Insights from over 50 countries
Downloads: 532
Author: Danert, K.
Year of Publishing: 2020
Publisher: Skat Foundation
Institution: RWSN
Domestic Rainwater Harvesting: Thailand
Field Study Report 2008
Downloads: 89
Author: Hans Hartung, Mary Morgan, John Naugle
Year of Publishing: 2008
Publisher: EnterpriseWorks/VITA
Institution: EnterpriseWorks/VITA
Manufacturing Process for the 2,000-liter Thai Jar
Illustration of the Process
Downloads: 357
Author: Jon Naugle
Year of Publishing: 2009
Publisher: Jon Naugle
Harvesting the Rain
A construction Manual for Cement Rainwater Jars and Tanks
Downloads: 171
Author: T.V. Luong
Year of Publishing: 2002
Publisher: UNICEF
Institution: UNICEF
المقررة الخاصة للأمم المتحدة المعنية بحق الإنسان في الحصول على مياه الشرب المأمونة وخدمات الصرف الصح
Downloads: 32
Year of Publishing: 2014
Publisher: UN Special Rapporteur on the human right to safe drinking water and sanitation
Institution: UN Special Rapporteur on the human right to safe drinking water and sanitation
Utilisation de la télédétection et de la modélisation du terrain pour l'identification des zones favorables aux forages manuels
Remote sensing and terrain modelling to identify suitable zones for manual drilling in Africa
Downloads: 644
Author: FUSSI, F. et al.
Year of Publishing: 2015
Manual Drilling Compendium 2015
RWSN Publication 2015-2
Downloads: 2153
Author: DANERT K.
Year of Publishing: 2015
Publisher: Skat
Institution: Skat
Handpump Standardisation in Sub-Saharan Africa: Seeking a Champion
RWSN Publication 2015-1
Downloads: 1601
Author: MacArthur, J.
Year of Publishing: 2015
Publisher: RWSN
Handpumps: where now?
A synthesis of online discussions (2012-2014) -##2019 UPDATE##
Downloads: 1052
Author: FUREY S. G.
Year of Publishing: 2019
Publisher: RWSN
Institution: Skat Foundation
Webinar Series 2014 (UNICEF- RWSN) on Manual Drilling/Webinaires sur le sujet de Forage Manuel
Five Interactive webinars, which aim to promote South-South sharing. Une séries de cinq (5) Webinaires sur le sujet de Forage Manuel.
Downloads: 2275
Author: DANERT K
Year of Publishing: 2014
Publisher: UNICEF/RWSN
Institution: UNICEF/RWSN
Professionalising Manual Drilling: Guinea
A country summary
Downloads: 179
Author: LABAS, J & DANERT, K
Year of Publishing: 2013
Publisher: RWSN
Institution: RWSN
Supporting Rural Water Supply
Moving towards a Service Delivery Approach
Downloads: 471
Author: LOCKWOOD, H. and SMITS, S.
Year of Publishing: 2011
Publisher: Practical Action Publishing Ltd.
Institution: IRC/Aguaconsult