Improving skills and professionalism in the Rural Water Supply sector is critical to its success. Rural water supply schemes need to be robust, cost effective, accessible, well designed and well built. However, good water projects aren't on their own aren't enough, they need to be part of a broader rural water supply service that is reliable, affordable and accessible to all members of society.
RWSN brings together the know-how and expertise from different water supply technologies and service approaches from around the world. This section draws together some of the key resources that should be of help to those involved in training and education for rural water supply.
The RWSN Secretariat has compiled a list of relevant online and face-to-face trainings of relevance to the rural water sector, mainly in English, with some also in French. You can download it here (last updated in 2019).
Also take a look at our webinar recordings, which can be useful as learning and teaching tools.
Links from here do not constitute an endorsement from RWSN - please let us know of any broken links
Training Courses/Organisations
- Africa Groundwater Network/Courses
- Bushproof, Madagascar - Technical Training in Water Infrastructure
- CAWST - Centre for Affordable Water & Sanitation Technology
- Living Water International - Training Schedule
- RedR
- UniWater Education Ltd.
- Water For All International - Drilling Course
University Departments/Courses
- Cranfield University (UK)
- Oxford University (UK)
- Makerere University (Uganda)
- University of North Carolina (USA)
- University of South Florida (USA)
- UNESCO-IHE (Netherlands)
- WEDC, Loughborough University, (UK)
Vocational Training Centres
- SHIPO SMART Centre (Tanzania)
- SMART Centre (Malawi)
- GSB SMART Centre (Mozambique)
- Jacana SMART Centre (Zambia)
- Appropriate Technology Centre (Uganda)