Tschannerl, G. and K. Bryan

Year of Publishing

World Bank

UNDP/World Bank

Handpumps Testing and Development: Proceedings of a Workshop in China Rural Water Supply Handpumps Project


This report presents the proceedings of the "Workshop on the State of the Art and Application of Handpumps and on Water Supply and Sanitation", held in Changsha, Hunan Province, People's Republic of China, from August 15 to 21, 1984, as part of the Project's activities.

The report is intended to present those activities being conducted by select aid and development agencies and developing country governments as part of the Handpumps Project so that other agenices, governments and other interested parties might benefit from their experiences.

Bibliographical Information:

Tschannerl, G. and K. Bryan (1984) Handpumps Testing and Development: Proceedings of a Workshop in China. Rural Water Supply Handpumps Project , UNDP/World Bank , World Bank , Washington DC, USA


Handpumps Testing and Development: Proceedings of a Workshop in China
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