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Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)
Professionalising rural water & sanitation in Mali
This series of fact sheets summarises activities and findings of support from the German Development Cooperation (BMZ through GIZ) to the Government of Mali.
The 8 aspects covered are:
1. Water quality: Providing a quality water supply: a major challenge for the public drinking water service
2. Vocational training for jobs in the water sector
3. Regulation of the public drinking water service in rural Mali: Regulation, technical and financial monitoring – key attributes for professional drinking water management
4. Regional financing mechanism: Towards a self-financing water and sanitation sector
5. Water and sanitation sector reforms: How to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals by adopting
a pro-poor approach in Mali
6. Municipalities in their role as contracting authorities: Scaling up through clustering and intermunicipal cooperation
7. Strategic Sanitation Plan (SSP) for rural municipalities in Mali: The SSP is a planning tool for the sustainable development of sanitation
8. Sanitation chain strategy in Mali: Wastewater and sludge collection, transportation and treatment – a major challenge for Mali’s municipalities
Also available in French
Bibliographical Information:
GIZ (2020) Professionalising rural water & sanitation in Mali. , Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) , Eschborn, Germany
More Information
Water Quality
Vocational Training
Regulation of public drinking water service
Regional financing mechanism
Municipalities in their role as contracting authorities
Strategic Sanitation Plan (SSP) for rural municipalities in Mali
Sanitation chain strategy in Mali