
Year of Publishing



Rural Water Supply Network - Annual Report 2015 Enabling practitioners, professionals and ultimately water users to make informed decisions on how to improve and maintain access to safe water in rural areas.


Firstly, we would like to thank the numerous RWSN members who have contributed to the lively discussions that took place throughout 2015 on our Dgroups, LinkedIn and webinar platforms. We also thank those who share their ideas and opinions more privately with the secretariat and theme leaders.

The RWSN Secretariat and theme leaders were able to undertake their work thanks to the financial and in-kind support from: Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) Department for International Development (DFID), Natural Environment Research Council (NERC), Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) – through the UPGro programme, IRC, National Ground Water Association, Oxford University – through the REACH programme, RAIN Foundation, Skat Consulting Ltd., SKH, UNICEF, Volkart Stiftung, WaterAid, World Bank, World Vision, and ZH2O. Thank you very much for your involvement and on-going support for the work of the network.

Bibliographical Information:

(2016) Rural Water Supply Network - Annual Report 2015. Enabling practitioners, professionals and ultimately water users to make informed decisions on how to improve and maintain access to safe water in rural areas. , RWSN , RWSN


Rural Water Supply Network - Annual Report 2015

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