
Year of Publishing

WASHTech Project

Water and Sanitation for Africa

WASHTech Burkina embedding and learning alliances progress to date and challenges to address WASHTech report: Burkina Faso


This report describes the learning alliances and their development in the WASHTech project in Burkina Faso. It provides answers to questions regarding five key elements of alliance development: essence, arborescence, presence, resilience and evidence. The information presented in this report was gathered through interviews and Focus group discussion where: Direction des Etudes et de l’Information sur l’Eau (DEIE), DGRE, DGAEUE WaterAid and WSA were represented during the TIP workshop in April, 26th 2013.

Bibliographical Information:

WSA (2013) WASHTech Burkina embedding and learning alliances progress to date and challenges to address. WASHTech report: Burkina Faso , Water and Sanitation for Africa , WASHTech Project


WASHTech Burkina embedding and learning alliances progress to date and challenges to address
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