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Year of Publishing
RWSN Annual Report 2012 Enabling practitioners, professionals and ultimately water users to make informed decisions on how to improve and maintain access to safe water in rural areas.
The year 2012 witnessed major changes for the network as it actively engaged the membership through online discussions and online seminars and at key events. This exchange bears testimony to the field realities of improving and sustaining rural water supplies throughout the world. Not only have over 2,500 members joined RWSN, but hundreds are actively sharing their experiences with one another through the online and face to face platforms provided by the network. March saw RWSN take the lead for the Rural Water Supplies at the 6th World Water Forum in Marseille – drawing together over 80 solutions from all over the world and exploring how to make water for all and the human right to water a reality.
Bibliographical Information:
DANERT, K. (2013) RWSN Annual Report 2012. Enabling practitioners, professionals and ultimately water users to make informed decisions on how to improve and maintain access to safe water in rural areas. , RWSN , St Gallen, Switzerland
RWSN Annual Report 2012
Rapport annuel 2012 RWSN - Résumé