
Year of Publishing

RWSN/Inter Aide


InterAide Support to Operation and Maintenance of rural Water Supplies in Malawi in 2008 Member's Experiences No.1


The NGO InterAide has experience of supporting operation and maintenance of rural water supplies. Initiatives started in 1999 in Lilongwe and Zomba districts where there are now a total of 59 shops selling handpump spare parts and 84 private sector area mechanics repairing handpumps. Based on these fruitfull experiences InterAide started (first with European Union funds, then with Pro Victimis Fundation funds) a new Operation and Maintenance project in 2008 in the three districts of Mchinji, Dowa and Salima located in the central region of Malawi. As about 80% of handpumps installed in Malawi are Afridev, InterAide decided to initially focus on this hand pump.
This report provides a description of the project, including the financial and human resource inputs.

Bibliographical Information:

DE SAINT MÉLOIR, B. (2009) InterAide Support to Operation and Maintenance of rural Water Supplies in Malawi in 2008. Member's Experiences No.1 , RWSN/Inter Aide , St Gallen, Switzerland


InterAide Support to Operation and Maintenance of rural Water Supplies in Malawi in 2008

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