
Year of Publishing


RWSN, Ask for Water, Skat Foundation

Stop the Rot: Overview of handpump corrosion and maintenance challenges for a sustainable drinking water supply for rural populations in Cameroon - Case study of twenty pumps Action-research on the corrosion and quality of handpump components in Sub-Saharan Africa


In January 2021, Ask for Water GmbH and Skat Foundation, through the Rural Water Supply Network (RWSN), launched the "Stop the Rot" initiative for boreholes with handpumps. Its purpose was to provide an overview of the extent of the phenomenon of rapid corrosion of handpumps and the challenges of the maintenance operations of these structures for populations in rural and peri-urban areas. This RWSN Stop the Rot study targeted 20 countries in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), including Cameroon.

This report conducted a qualitative study at the local level in Cameroon, combining deductive and inductive approaches through direct observations, exchanges with key informants and a literature review. The observations were made on a relatively small number of handpumps (twenty pumps)

Bibliographical Information:

LINJOUOM NCHOUTPOUEN Abdou Aziz, PhD (2023) Stop the Rot: Overview of handpump corrosion and maintenance challenges for a sustainable drinking water supply for rural populations in Cameroon - Case study of twenty pumps. Action-research on the corrosion and quality of handpump components in Sub-Saharan Africa , RWSN, Ask for Water, Skat Foundation

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EN_Stop the Rot: Cameroon

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FR_Stop the Rot: Cameroun

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