RWSN Library

Year of Publishing
Skat Foundation
RWSN Annual Report 2021
For the second year in a row, RWSN had to adapt its activities to the COVID-19 pandemic, with limited face-to-face event and increased online interactions leading to the year being highly successful overall.
2021 was dominated by reflections on the future of the network in consultation with members. Highlights included REACH-RWSN collaboration on the "100 Million Initiative", a global diagnostic study of rural water service providers was undertaken, with many RWSN members contributing to the diagnostic survey. The 100M Initiative is undertaking a multi-stage data collection exercise to estimate the scale and potential of results-based funding globally. The
results of the first phase were published in a webinar in October 2021.
Work also began on the "Stop the Rot" study into handpump corrosion, and a major new USAID-funded study: Rural Evidence and Learning for Water (REAL-Water).
Bibliographical Information:
RWSN (2022) RWSN Annual Report 2021. , Skat Foundation , St. Gallen, Switzerland
RWSN Annual Report 2021